Wishing all my readers out there(If Any,ignoring Vampy) a Happy Republic Day.
There’s been no post for the first day of the sports meet,thought I would have loved to publish a detailed analysis of each day,but with the way the contributions are coming our to this blog,its pretty difficult(As of now,we have have a couple of contributors lol).
Anyways I will try my best to make up for yesterday’s post and today's too.But,first,getting to the reason I couldn't publish yesterday’s post,was cause I believed I could make today’s post the first one with loads of pics in it,but heck as fate would have it,the photo’s failed to arrive,least be taken,but I am pretty sure I might be able to dig them out by this weekend,so pics will be coming,crap if only I could have had the pics this would have been the D-Day of this blog…
DAY ONE-25/01/2010:
Well,the dress code was up and about by yesterday evening,itself since it caught on pretty well,i didn't find any reason to upload the dress code onto the blog anyways the most evident thing is that CSE remains to be unbeaten come what may,(when it comes to unity at least),considering that they were beaten by the ECE cricket team in the finals.
I did use the Black colour up there :P
ECE-OOPs did you have a dress code..???If Yes,Sorry I didn't know it,Heck was it white?no…(CSE screams!!)was it Black..??No…(IT screams!!)
seriously guys you ought to put up a better show!!!
Well the day started off with the first game played being the Unofficial Football sessions,right next to the bus barking bay,the cricket,Volleyball ,etc sessions slowly started around 9:30 odd..
It opened up with Sanjay sir,bowling the first bowl,and heck this guy was in form!! He got the middle stump right on his first ball!!
ECE vs. EEE- ECE Wins.
The first match between ECE and EEE,was supposed to have been termed exciting,(Until the next session),it wasn't a bad show, ECE had a good support from the crowd,when compared to the support EEE received.ECE chased around 68 odd runs to win the match,EEE put up around 68 odd runs.
IT vs.. CSE-CSE wins.
CSE put up a humongous total of 139!!!With a whooping run rate of over 11.5!!It was an awesome match,extremely entertaining and hell lot of a support from the crowd on both sides,but CSE turned the tables ,actually it was more of a one-sided came from the start of the match itself,IT couldn’t chase the score down,considering that its the team with the lowest profile,no one seriously expected it to put up a good fight but heck they did manage to put close to 70 odd runs on board,which was pretty impressive.
ECE vs..CSE-ECE wins.
Champions twice,once during the Independence day celebrations and they repeat it again,most of if ought to be blamed on the management on the match timing,CSE cried foul play when they got a break of a mere 30 mins,after 2hrs of exhilarating cricket.
Anyways the camps on the cricket field remain unbeaten,even when the rest of the sections were supporting CSE,excluding IT,which backed up ECE,(there seems to be some kind of of rivalry building up between the two groups,CSE and IT due to the previous match,but a couple of days down the week,no ones goanna bother!)
Obviously easy one to answer:
It would be CSE vs. IT,terrible crowd puller,it was one hell of a game,the first innings up to the 10th over,saw the crowds going very wild ,with some instances of CSE and IT abusing each other too!!
But the best part was the way the CSE branch turned out in full swing to support the team,a complete show of unity,unlike most of the other teams,there was unity in the dress code as well as cheering for the match too,it another thing that they lost the match,per se,they had fun,more than any other branch did!(Btw I may be inclining towards CSE,but that's obvious,they contribute a lot to this blog :P).
Well,cant give a clear cut view on this particular session,but the EEE tam,won the game,ECE having made it to the finals.
EEE vs. CSE-EEE wins.
IT vs. ECE-ECE wins
EEE vs. ECE –EEE wins.
The finals are yet to be played,ala tomorrow.
On the whole,a very tiresome and fun filled day IT and CSE didn't have to attend that Phy lab they were so concerned about,its been a better sports meet day when compared to the last session which was held on the occasion of the Independence Day.
P.s. coming soon another SCOOP!!,watch this space guys,its a very “Sportive” scoop!!
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