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Thursday, January 21, 2010

SCOOP!!-Swipe System.

This post has been in the pipeline since the the initial mention of this scoop in the following post,click here!


Well this is another feature,I have been planning to add to this blog,tagged along with others like this,

  • Blog lashing

Technically,this is the first scoop to be posted,though the results scoop worked fine all by itself,but yet it didn't have a full fledged article on it.The key point being,that the results arrived before I could publish a post on them!!!

This post,holds lots of ground for the current batch,the first question being posed by the current batch of students would be ,

“To hell with the article,When is the system coming???”

My reply??

Well,simple if you are reading this post only cause you want a specific answer to that question,then don’t venture any further,cause I haven't got the slightest clue as to when it will actually be implement,but I do know it for sure that  it will be implemented. 


 I don’t have to actually,explain the working of this Swipe system,assuming that most of us are pretty well versed with the facts and the working of the Swipe Module,but initially,its being worked out for attendance only for the LABS ,but slowly  the system will be extended to the other sections of the college,ala classrooms etc,but how the management intends to do that is totally confidential information(I don't have it either).

In the Initial stage,the stage is all set for the labs to be equipped with the systems,and due to  the single entrance into the labs there’s no way you can walk out from the lab after having swiped your ID card for attendance,this doesn't imply much,cause Labs are the last place where students try to get proxies,its basically risky,and As far as I know,its never been attempted.

The classrooms:

The classrooms or to use the more technical term which will be relevant for the next semester,lecture halls will be equipped with the Swipe system modules but not all that soon,the classrooms have always be the proxy guy’s playground,instances of 3/4th of the class responding to the roll call of Ayesha maam,when only 50% of the class is physically present,screams out loud about how well proxies work!

The Library:

The current id’s cards have to be reissued,cause I seriously doubt that the barcode currently on them can be decoded to suite the campus needs.


The consequences are plenty for the students as well as for the lectures,let deal with the lectures part of it,

For once when the system is in place,they wouldn't have to waste their time on the taking the attendance(Or roll call,if you please!),in the Labs for a start in the labs,and later in the classroom,the proxies cant strike back in any vital way,its totally unlikely that a system as good as the Swipe system,can be over thrown by the students,its simply not feasible to cheat this system ,if implemented properly.

The argument that,

“Let someone swipe it for me!!!”

“I will swipe and leave!!”

Hold no water for debate,its simply that those who make such kind of arguments have not seen the actual working or the physical implementation of the system.

For once,you cant swipe your friends Id and and assume the management or the faculty to turn a blind eye,when you swipe with a couple of cards.

The second argument presented,is no better either,cause you just cant swipe and leave!!!!

I will leave the debate on this open for discussion,we just have to wait and see how it is going to be implemented.

Fore more contact students from Vasavi College of Engineering,Hyderabad.They have a new swipe system in place,and the way its working is proving to be disastrous for the students!!

The Lecturers advantage,for once they will be relied of the burned on dealing with the proxies,and the monotonous task of taking attendance for a class of over 60 students. 


Its an open fact that the Phy faculty,ala,balaji ji,doesn't take attendance and relies on the honesty of the CR’s or SDC’s,while in fact everyone gets above 90% attendance,same with the cause of the math faculty,ala Murli ji,the students don't have any problem with regard to this,but then the nagging feeling within others those who do attend all the classes but,end up being on par with those who bunk invariably,on the attendance front,is a very emotional thing,and I strongly believe,when you bunk,you must not be in greed for attendance to,after all you bunk at your own risk!

So all those who haven't been getting,attendance  when not worth it,we are doomed,cause the faculty will surely rely just on the swipe database,and the influence with CR’s or SDC’s doesn't matter any more!!!


Coming to the investment the management is making into this system,the system is being valued at a little less than Four lakh!!!!

Now that a hell of money,and being channelled into a probably good system,after all give increases the Snob value of the college.(At the end of the day this is what actually matters!!!)


Now that the students are aware of this fact(those who do follow this blog,will be!),Yes this is a fact,and no more a rumour,as it initially was in the first semester.Why in the world,isn't the management implementing the system??

The answer to this question is as simple as sugar can be,the management doesn't want to rush things up,its coolly bargaining the deal with the company(Nameless-at least I dunno it yet!),at four lakh its not a huge sum,but heck when you can bargain ,why rush up stuff??

actually,it jus isn't about the bargain part of price,its more to do with the after sales service system,and the regular check up work,on the system,setting up the required database and everything that's goona take time,and plenty of Moolah!!!! 


Well hard times ahead boys,remember the old quote which goes

“All’s well that ends well”

or the new mantra

“AAl Izz Well”

Keep chanting them,cause with the way the management is going bullish in order to retain its Deemed status,this isn't gonna take a long time,at least the pilot project won’t take a time time to see the light of Rudraram.


Okay,as always,the best part is for the end!!!

I may not be in a viable position to give the exact date as to when the system will come in place,but  I can  give out a random expected date,within the lines of mathematical equations, the D-Day is not far away,it will most probably be in this sem,but if it doesn't happen in this sem, then its gonna surely happen in the Next sem,but then i arn’t a super power,my sources might be wrong,or the management may just decide against this system,so again,



Watch out,the apparent next targets are the busses !!!

But,it may never happen, but the probability of it happening is not zero,its just close to zero.




P.s.This particular post took me 90+ mins to publish,wowwiee!!!Loving this blogging stint of mine!!!

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