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Friday, January 1, 2010



Note:For in depth campus review,visit our static page on ,GITAM UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD CAMPUS(Popularly known as GITAM HYDERABAD) .

Before joining GITAM,the first thing I did was to check it up on Google,and the next stop was Wikipedia,as such Wikipedia didn’t have much content about GITAM when compared to the other educational institutions.

I strongly believe,that in order to reach the zenith and be on par with other deemed Universities(I am not going to name the other universities here,plz!)the students are supposed to put in their effort too(while the management reciprocates),we definitely cant have the management putting up GITAM on Wikipedia/Google earth/Googlemaps etc,its the students who take up the initiative world over,why should we be any different?so stop being rigid,start BLOGGING!!),we definitely deserve a better ,stand alone Wikipedia page,which can take in contributions from the Hyderabadi GITAMites,who have a first hand knowledge with respect to the campus,than someone from the Vizag campus,doing it for us,who may have never seen the Hyderabad campus in flesh.
Finally today,on the first of January ,2010 the stand alone  Wikipedia article,has been published any changes can be intimated to me,at my personal blogging account( paz.inbox@gmail.com ), or you can do it all by yourself by registering with Wikipedia,(its gonna be easy if you have a hands on experience with HTML and stuff).
As usual bear,with us before we can upload any pics onto the wiki article,requires hell lot of trouble to upload pics,for new users..
Wishing all my readers(if any!!),a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!



p.s.breaking NEWS: Results around the corner..have fun!!


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