Its been due since a very long time,the Football team has been,but the rate at which things has been changing tracks has been commendable,right from a skeletal strength of 4-5 players in the initial stages the Football frenzy has caught on pretty well,a sure sign that this game has got some serious followers even while the campus is basically Cricket dominated,Footballers seem to have made a niche for themselves!
You might want to check out this post,when the Football made the first entrance on campus,in the Second semester,the date goes back to January 22,2010.Here’s the Link.
The official announcement is apparently going to be posted up at various places on the campus,tomorrow morning,what the poster reads is a mystery,and cause GITAMites,having a liking for mysterious stuff(Like the ownership of this Blog :P)<i would let the details of the announcement lie low,till its out and about the campus.
The football team try out’s are going to be held under the cautious eyes of Patrudu sir,and those looking at having him “flattered” prior to the selections and try to get a spot in the team,let me tell you if you do attempt something as dumb as that,you will be making a fool of yourself.
Everyone likes this guy,and I have a simple request to the students organizing it,make the process viable and transparent for everyone,the last thing I wanna see would be a tarnished image of Patrudu ji,just due to these dumb selections,its pretty obvious he would be playing a major role in the selections process,but I am pretty sure everyone will point him out if only something does go wrong during the selections,so if not for the teams sake,at least for the combined love for Patrudu sir,make it as fair as possible(but there is always,scope for you to get what you want,without actually openly doing it.. :P)..
All those readers who skipped the above part,here’s the condensed version…
Mr.Patrudu,is a guileless person,and I want him to remain the same,come what may,cant stand this try out’s messing his name!
Well,we can expect it to be dominated by the regular football players on campus,and they may leave quite some scope/room for some new talent to move in,I am just guessing this part..!!
Its palpable from the schedule that the dates,and timing are taken into consideration on the basic of the Lab schedules and the obvious reason its been integrated into the lunch break,is that the students organizing it probably don’t want any fingers pointing at them,if only some ppl who apply for the try-out’s do bunk on the pretext of attending the try-out’s; the Lunch break is convenient,except that they will draw in plenty of attention,wonder how these ppl intend to deal with all the on lookers,its going to be a tough task handling all the would be Hungama,in the break..
On a serious note,the lunch break last’s only for 30mins and if the lecturer prior to the lunch break does intend to extend their period by a lil over 12:40 to around 12:45 it would be cause some kind of disturbances in the schedule..
Its overt that this selection of time is a definite loop hole,in the schedule,but I believe its the only feasible time out there,in a regular working day,if these ppl do pull it off,I will bet my money on them to be a successful team!
- CSE/EEE Tuesday,09th,Jan 2010.
- ECE/IT Wednesday,10th,Jan 2010.
Timing: 12:40 to 1:10(Lunch Break)
I am looking forward,to this very patiently,and I want this to be very special,Cause on a very personal note,i love football a lot,And I will be willing to support the football team,through this blog too…
THANKS FOR 1200!!!
Tomorrow,we complete two successful(For me,definitely!!!) months,since this blog started off,If i do hit a road block it will only be after a couple more months,as I expressed it in my previous Personal message at 500 hits,wait up for the two months ka post tomorrow for the full coverage on the journey till now,and I will probably publish my two long due SCOOP!!’s tomorrow too,I have just been waiting for the pics to drop by at my email id!
And on the occasion of completing I have decided to incorporate a couple of new stuff onto the Blog,the first being,the Feedback on the right side of the Blog and the Second one being the “Ole!! lifeatgitamhyd!”,mouse trial,and a couple of tweaks here and there on the blog,which are totally insignificant to the end reader,but pretty significant for the creator,i.e.,ME!
2.mouse trail
congrats for your completion of two months.