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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Editors Note:LAGH,going offline!!(part I)

Published on: 01/07/2010.

In due course of time,This post will be backed up by a series of other posts,to support this move ,Hence the Part (I).

NOTE:The blog is going offline,into hibernation,we are retiring with our heads held up high,We didn't fall ,since our other services listed below are still active :)

I am pretty disappointed to be writing this particular post,this will come as a shocker to most of our Juniors,seniors,and quite some faculty members ,but here we are sadly but proudly, backing out from active participation on the Blog.

This post will go further on in length,but those of you who don’t like reading extra long articles(Extra long have been My characterise feature on every Blog post I have personally complied and penned down :P )

I will give you a short sentence neatly,comprehending the following contents of this post “henceforth the blog(zine),lifeatgitamhyd will be away from active participation of  covering the campus life of GITAM University Hyderabad,it is rendered inactive,When it might be reactivated,remains a puzzle it might be tomorrow or an year later  ”

The following services/projects of LAGH team will still be active :

I would suggest,you to read further to get the clear picture,and also the essential reasons which I have had to take this strong move.


it is pretty simple,quite a lot has been spoken about the downfall of LAGH,once some members of the faculty starts getting pissed,and starts screwing up the contribution base of the blog(yes,the Blog pretty much survives on contributors ),and we did foresee this,once the results of internals and Externals were announced,We knew that the time has finally arrived to put the Blog at rest.

  • Results
  • Some opposition from management /Faculty.
  • Finance


Once the final results were announced,were announced I was determined to shut the blog and be done with it for good!!

I was on the verge of closing the blog,but yet some members kept me going,and then came the highly successful GAT 2010 admission session,thought many felt that the future of the blog looked extremely promising,I have never shared the same view.

I am not going to make conceal facts here,since anyways the blog is going to be inactive,Why Lie at this point of time ??

We will close the blog,with trying to solve some puzzling mysteries which surround the way the internals marks were dealt out to some suspected  (Not Proven mind you!),contributors of the blog.

Most of my contributors marks were totally ruined in some particular subjects,during the last academic year for their internal assessment,all due to the small that,someone from the ECE section was heavily contributing to the Blog,which included quite some mistakes of some  faculty members.

And all the Blog did was to publish them,those faculty members took offence to their actions in class being published,and since they never found,and  possibly never will find the contributor who gave those inputs(which were true ),they ultimately took a strong stand and did the only logical thing they could,Cut marks for invariably everyone in the class and more so for suspected contributors ,and the students will fall in line.

Bang on!!!

Even thought,this trick proved to be futile at that time,I have always carried the guilt of it,even thought their was no mistake of the contributor or me the publisher,the feeling got stronger,since I have got to know that these kind of discrimination was being showed to various suspected contributors of the blog spread mostly in the ECE and CSE departments,and also to some extent in EEE,and IT ( majority ) disowned the blog(in the past),and now even thought things have changed,the attitude of the faculty probably hasn’t.


With 40% of the marks,being in the hands of the faculty,I don’t want to risk this further,the game has gone to far and has evolved ,but even  after the college has reopened,the attitude of the faculty(some members),has still remained unchanged,openly declaring the apparent strong contributors(Who have gone out of active participation ages ago!!),and asking weird questions,in public,it is personally pretty humiliating for our old set of contributors who have chosen  not to be associated further with the blog(I promptly supported their move :)).

And since,they have more at stake this year,and the pissed faculty members will continues to harass the old brigade,if the Blog still continues to be active,yes the juniors need the blog,(and they  are 1000 in number,we already have active participation from over 100 odd juniors already!,it is a excellent shield!)and I am desperate to keep it going,but I have run out of ideas to keep the contributors information confidential.

And this is the last card on my deck,and I have chosen to call the shots this time,before giving some faculty members another chance to  cut marks,and(or) make life on campus GITAM University Hyderabad miserable,it is better to let the blog go into an inactive mode,than risk it being highly active.


Since,we have moved from our old BlogSpot domain to our new custom domain,we have undertaken extensive on campus promotional activity,at both the vizag campus as well as the Hyderabad campus.

And,also the SMS helpline “aadhaara”(During GAT 2010),which was purchased at a pretty high prise(it wasn’t taken on totally legitimate grounds :P),No I won’t be disclosing the price we had to shell out for  use of the particular number.

The promotional activity,which was undertaken at both the campuses in a subtle way will keep reminding you of this popular creation called Lifeatgitamhyd ,and it will keep you people/students/Faculty coming back to the blog(in due course of time),to check if their has been any activity or just relive our past glory,our gem articles have been invariably published during the first few months of birth. :)

Yes,finance has been an issue,but we are not in such a state,to close the blog on only financial grounds,Since we have a huge supporters base,and who will willing contribute for the well being of the Blog,if ever the time comes whole heartedly,but this isn’t the time,We will be happy to get some funds via our Donations Box on the right side of the blog,to channel it into our Students Portal project.


This particular “GIFT” of mine(For a clear understanding of this “GIFT ” theory and ownership issues,please read the blog’s personal messages from the start,my hardcore followers will understand What i am referring to,my new followers/readers,will definitely not!),to a pal based in the Hyderabad campus,was supposed to go on only for 6 months,I was supposed to have provided him and his friends a platform for active communication,but Cleary the things have changed,and Now it is a group of over 80+ (Seniors),who effectively contribute and collectively form the team of LAGH.

And,since the time has also elapsed,and the problems,which raked up loads of controversies,the mistakes on our part were pretty minor,but mistakes never the less,and duly apologized by the Blog too!!

But,since the problems,give a fumingly strong guilt feeling,I have decided to shed the responsibly of running this blog.

For all those who used to say “ The person who owns the Blog isn’t a a gitamite,Why does he bother ? ”

Only One answer ,you people probably never had great friends like,I did.

And,the worst part is that,apart from my good pal,others are being mixed up into this controversy(When they don't even have anything to do with the ownership of the Blog!!), Since this was a Birthday gift with me at the helm of affairs for 6 months(),I have had  to keep my word,and have (I assume)run the blog effectively,but it is not only to my credit.

And,I spoke to him,and a couple of others,they believe that the decision to stop the blog from active participation,is a good one(Since the future blue print of the Blog looks promising).

it will be better,for these blessed souls,and others who have been responsible for the some great articles on the Blog,to remove the baggage of LAGH.

I have had to take this extreme step,obviously you love seeing new posts,and like our Blog lashing and SCOOP!! articles,but the contributors are paying a heavy price,and   I don’t want it to be that way,I don’t want the Blog to be the cause of agony this academic year,yes the amount of contributors suffering is very low,compared to those who have a good feeling reading the blog posts,But my vote goes to removing the stress from this good lot of contributors,who have had to undergo a lot of trauma,in the past couple of months,I value them more,than GITAM University,and hence this move.


here follows,and obviously not naming any particular members,Even thought I would love to thank everyone who has helped us personally,some sections of the faculty/management may misuse the information,and harass them further,but the past is beyond,we don’t want to give some faculty members/management the weapon to cut our own heads,those who have contributed to the blog never expected anything in return,and hence they wouldn’t mind me not naming them,and obviously since I value them I feel it is better not to name them ,And here are the credits :

The following data is a mixture of direct and indirect contributions,the indirect contributors may not be aware of their contributions,so don’t harass them :)

Designation Number
Seniors(2009-2010) 140+
Juniors(2010-2011) 100+(till 1/07/2010)
Faculty members 4-5(Out of the old 22 members)
Non teaching staff 10-15

And not to forget,the strong set of readers,who have been happy to have been with us during our hard times :)


I will follow up this post,with a set of other posts,in which I will be answering F.A.Q’s,about the cause and the probable future of the blog(If any),and one major question which,I will deal here now follows :

“What happens to your  network/teams ?”

Yes,the SCOOP!! ’s articles,and various other inputs which currently reside in my hard disk ,have been coming from an extra strong and subtle network,(I personally designed the functioning of it,thought implemented by others on campus),which has invariably ,If i am not wrong to use the word “infiltrated” the campus, the management and  the faculty,was built, with quite a lot of care.

And,I am proud to announce that,some of our SCOOP!! ’s were not even known to some faculty members(Hyderabad),Since our sources for these articles come directly from the Vizag campus,where the essential future of the Hyderabad campus is shaped,the future of the Hyderabad campus,the blue prints of the Hyderabad campus,and all probable facilities,which might come into the Hyderabad campus,are all in the board rooms of the vizag campus,and we get them indirectly from there :P

So,I think,i have to a end of this mysterious question.

oh,yes the part of “What will happen to the network”,still remains unanswered,it is simple.

The “network”,in question,which invariably refers to the various chains of contributions,etc which make a blog post on this blogzine possible,are still active and will remain to be so,We will update Our Facebook Fan page regularly,with our inputs.



The blog post will go on,only difference is that we won’t be publishing it,the network and everything will be working as it is currently doing,Students will not see the blog posts being published,except that we are going to be active only via :

We don’t want to leave our readers base inactive,We(The Blog and I ) want to keep the momentum and everything ready for action,if we see light at the end of the tunnel and are sure that it isn’t an on coming train !

We are committed,to share our knowledge with our fellow gitamites,via the above mentioned channels.

We will be giving regular campus updated,but these will be restricted to the facebook Fan page /twitter Account only.

The parent of these both kids(The blog is the parent :P),will remain inactive,till what ever time.


The blog posts,will go on,We have decided to keep our SCOOP!! and Rumour mill,and blog lashing categories for active publication.

But,our regular day to day coverage of the campus life of GITAM University Hyderabad will remain suspended from publication on the Blog, that is ,the Blog posts will be complied,but will be saved as “Drafts”.

And once,we see the change,and the need to publish them we will publish all the drafts :))

it may happen anytime,We will never know when,But surely after the end an year or so,they will be published :)

Okay,over 200-300 posts might be published at one go,but the main mission of this Blog was and still is the same “To record the campus life of the the students on campus GITAM University Hyderabad”,essentially referring to the First batch of students,but we will continue to give our juniors enough space to grow and expand with the name of LAGH :)


Well,it will remain the prima facia channel of communication for the students if they want it be active,We are willing to develop it further still :)

If they don’t , then the account will be rendered inactive too :)


Some day(mark my words),(people will invariably  miss us,and we will miss them to)but there will be a day,against all odds when some members of the faculty/students will strive to get their voices,herd and then they will recollect, that they had a chance,with LAGH  being active,and are now helpless and voiceless due to their bad attitude towards the apparent contributors,I ma not referring to all the faculty members,here Just some,those essential some are limited to 4-5 members,but then 3-5 people implies 3-5 subject marks,which is a fucking huge gamble ,and we are experienced enough not to take the risk :)

students will argue,that for the sake of some pass misdeeds you cant deactivate the Blog,A correction,the Blog was dedicated and rededicated to the members(students/faculty etc) of  GITAM University Hyderabad,but pardon me IF I am rude.

The Blog was never owned by the students of GITAM University,or the management of GITAM University,it was ,I quote the tag line of the Blog “The overseer of GITAM Hyd!!”,that is the Blog is above all,and second to one,,the “overseer” of GITAM hyd ,has chosen not to fall down to the cheap ticks used to pull down the Blog,but has gracefully accepted the fact that GITAM University Hyderabad (not as a whole),doesn’t deserve the Blog.

No one gave a shit to our contributors or spoke up for us,when we were being haunted!!

No one,gave a word of support when we needed it the most,no one stood up for our cause,no gave was willing to tag with us,We have had to fight with everything,and put in everything to see that the blog runs,but after today,it is clear that it is unnecessary to fight a battle ,which doesn't have a fucking significance when won.

No one has to tell this to us,We are the sole major reason ,that the seats in Hyderabad campus filled up!!!, does the management give a fucking darn recognition to it

Okay,We don’t want to be recognized,but at least there is something called as gratitude!!

To Whomsoever concerned  :

You don’t owe us anything,what we did during the counselling of GAT 2010 will be done again for GAT 2011,but it will be out of our sole interest and with a totally unbiased attitude, for the prospective students.

And everyone on campus,be it in vizag or Hyderabad,knows that we have been the driving force behind the mad rush for the Hyderabad campus,Don’t disclaim it,we know it ,and I can call upon a horde of  juniors,who will tell us how  we helped them!

We did it out of our own interest,and we gave up our sleep and food for close to four days during the GAT 2010 session,as we literally had to glue our eyes to the PC!

It was hard work,and we don’t want anything in return for it,we did what we wanted to,for heavens sake don’t recognize us, we have no problem,Since we have stated on various occasions that we are unofficial,So at least let the readers/contributors/observers of LAGH rest in peace now.

LAGH is done with!

We will find a new home,an offline home in my hard disk(We= the blog ,me,and contributions/ors etc),But we are sure we have inspired many people to start blogging,and we retire on that single note.

Adios dear readers ,We are extremely sorry.

As for me ?

I will seek other pasture,I am not done writing,i will keep publishing supplementary posts to complement this post,if the need be .

And,I will move on into personal blogging once again,and with www.indiblogger.in with me, I have a good community to look forward too :)


Thank you everyone for this great opportunity,and I am as unhappy with this move as anyone else,is but cheer up,some one must be celebrating at this move  of the blog.

And remember,LAGH didn't fall,It retired,and decide to do it with its head held high up,after the success of GAT 2010,

If I would like to give the best article ever on this blog it has got to be this : Fire Safety .  A article which was extremely difficult to compile,and pretty complicated.

I owe that article to a good pal,And he knows how much effort went into the Fire safety article.

At the end of the day,GITAM University has lost,some great future  articles based on the likes of Fire safety one(Not all blog posts of LAGH are high on content like the Fire Safety one,it is a marvellous post which close to my heart),and a post I regret publishing:

Faculty review :(courtesy)  The Mob (An unknown group of students(gitamites) who run their own blog :))


Paz.(aka: Prajeeth)

p.s.See,we just published a SCOOP!! (Wi-Fi!) ,happy surfing :)

For this ownership issues,contact our old followers/readers,or read our Blog posts from the start :)

Close to 1000 odd hours of manpower has been put into this blog since its inception.

that is about 40 continuous days,and only from Us(Blog and I :)),We don't know the exact number of hours spent on this blog by various contributors,observers,writers,who helped us :)

But it will surely be a stunner,when we end up calculating it :)

And yeah,last but not the least,I didn't know where to squeeze in this last paragraph,Welcome to the new faculty ,we are looking forward to a great experience :)


  1. Its a sad departure...but give me the reason for this,....
    "But,our regular day to day coverage of the campus life of GITAM University Hyderabad will remain suspended from publication on the Blog, that is ,the Blog posts will be complied,but will be saved as “Drafts”.

    And once,we see the change,and the need to publish them we will publish all the drafts :))"
    u save em as drafts and when u wanna publish em, they become stale news...dnt waste ur time..
    i do unnderstand ur pain...
    Ur supporter! :(

  2. memories!!
    The major aim of the Blog,was to become a collection of events which takes place on campus GITAM University Hyderabad,but later on it evolved into something more better,and brighter.
    We have just backtracked a little of the various operations of the Blog,and are back to recording memories of the campus life.

    And We are not going to give up,we are looking at transferring TOTAL control of the blog and all the related projects,Ids,Accounts etc, to a junior team,When we have it in place.
    With 1122 Juniors on campus,The managment wont be able to do piss them,the way they did with us.
    And with 1122 Students,the management cant risk it,since they are backed by 2244 odd parents!
    it will be a difficult task for them to control the activity,and Since we are being honest ,and openly admitting to giving up our total control of the blog to the juniors,the management cant harm us,without a feeling of guilt!

    But the catch is to make it as anonymous as possible,and to make sure the juniors(Who will be picked upon later )won't commit the mistakes we did.
    And ,When we transfer all the accounts to their names,they will get total access to our "network"
    of connections and will have enough material to produce quality posts,and keep the SCOOP!! articles running as well :)

    Stale new: Well,it isn't news,they are a recording of various memories :)
    And memories grow stronger by the day.

    but how much ever I argue with you,You have a good point,and it makes sense,And I have had the same doubt,but it felt like the best alternative :)

  3. thnx 4 the reply...transferring the total ASSETS of this blog aka site...hmm!!!
    dunno if it'd fall in safe hands... dunno if ever we can see the gud ole bright active blog...also with all the gud ole glory it has earned!!.... ;)
    for i, as of now, knowing u well, none can do a better job than u can!!! ;)

  4. Vamzee is that you ? :P

  5. "Satyameva Jayate"
    Truth will ultimately triumph"

    You are doing an excellent service to the entire student community, future of Gitam, hence, continue the noble work.

    Any great task will be having hurdles, do not be afraid of the hurdles, obstacles, go ahead, you will be succeeding in this blog and in your life's objectives also.

    I am going through the posts regularly, excellent information and inputs are being brought out in the blog, like me many may be seeing the site with interest, hence, for the sake of thousands, if not lakhs, continue the good work, commenced by all your good Souls.

    A great task, continue the good work, you will be getting the needed support from time to time from all the spheres.

  6. Food in the canteen is not to the standards which the management has promised.

    The people preparing the food may be adding soda, so that we may not consume much, one has to look into this issue, as it may effect the health of the students at large in the coming days.

    Fixing of solar panels for hot water, laundry, etc are the other issues which have to be attended at the earliest.

    Nets can be provided for the windows, so that insects can be kept away.

  7. Thanks for providing TV, but, only few students are having the control over remote and they are viewing their channels, whereby depriving the majority, there should be some way out for this issue.

    Any suggestions, to resolve this issue.



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