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Friday, March 5, 2010

Who Are you??….DAY:05/03/2010

I have never imagined myself doing this,nope,never have done something like this,Check my latest status updates on our Facebook Fan page , I have actually been lashing out at the First year coordinator of GITAM University,but heck it was meant to have happened..

First,of all ,I want to seriously apologize to all my readers for this following terribly offending part of the post,but then I cant stand it any more,You cant get away killing free journalism,I am a freelance blogger,And I am seriously pissed at the managements decision to Block all the BlogSpot based URL,Its a different thing that,We have come up with a creative way to serve you better,and to make our presence felt again on the Campus,I mean we already have caught up plenty of Heat on Campus..


Its finally,here after plenty of request that,the Blog has been over loaded with Social cause promotions,designer HTML codes,and the likes of it,I have been mulling over the fact that,My readers deserve a faster load time,Cause most of you dont have much time to be spent on the Blogs,and its obvious that this Blog is evidently more popular than the Orkut Community,and the Facebook group clubbed together,But I take pride in noting the fact that Facebook Has been a strong supporter of this Blog,while the owner/Mods of Orkut,haven't been such kinda,but their attitude towards this blog has been changing too..

This new lite,version is a simpler,ala,a version of lifeatgitamhyd,which is stripped apart of all its features,add ons,widgets,Sidebar,and all the things which make it look attractive or ugly,which ever you prefer..

So the summarised version of this paragraph..

  • Test runs on the Lite version
  • To be officially unveiled on March 8th,2010.

More details on it when it does finally arrive onto the major circuit of the Internet..!

A small teaser prior to this new URL goes public,Also those out there,who prefer just the language of this blog and want to keep reading the Blog and hate to see these sidebars and junk,Ifs the perfect place for you,And Me too..!

DAY 05/03/2010:

Issues,Issues,and Loads of issues,a very bad day indeed,with most of the faculty giving out marks and making subtle reference to this Blog in some way or the another,The basic deduction is that,no other Blog on GITAM Hyd has been able to garnish such an image,and hence any reference to A Blog or Something on the Net,invariably points out to either this Blog or to the Facebook Group/Facebook Fan page .

Nikitha maam,made some kinda of a rude reference to this Blog during her period today in ECE,and she apparently sounded very pissed at it

Bear has been(Yes the Bear),has been lashing out at this Blog since the past couple of days,And I seriously dont see any reason,except that the pet name Bear has been popularized from this blog..


I am not apologizing to the faculty,nor to the management here,but to all those ppl out there who had to get there Mids ruined only due to this Blog,also those who were insensitively kicked out of various committees for Samagdha’10,only due to their probable association with this Blog,I am extremely sorry,that you are being put to such hardships ,But don’t worry we are here to stay cause,except a few,most of them are still supporting the cause of this Blog..!!
And thanks a lot for standing by this blog,in time of need..!

Some day this blog may become the status quo of GITAM and then I will probably forgive all those faculty members,who have been lobbying against this blog,as they say Forgiveness is the Best punishment..


Coming back to the day,Samagdha’10,has finally got a couple of more sponsors,after being rejected by the following..

  • Tata Docomo
  • Uninor
  • Mc Donald

And being accepted apparently by:

  • Subway
  • HDFC
  • Vijai Electricals

All the fest committees were short listed by the obvious person,Black Bear for CSE and a couple of other respective faculty members for there respective sections,and Bear apparently over looked quite a lot of ppl from the EEE/CSe section on the base that they apparently own the Blog,heights of barbaric nature..

The core team from the MBA stream,has been tirelessly working over the brochure and the Samagdha’10 brochure will go to print this Sunday and will be made available for distribution by Monday morning,probably..


Various teams of students are set to hit various parts of the college in the city tomorrow,and also for other fund raising activities,Wishing all the Fund raisers warm wishes to come up with excellent results,and those promoters to do some excellent promotional activities,ape the tactics of Felicity 2010,by the Various GITAM teams and you cant go wrong…

The Major targets:

  • Airtel
  • Subway
  • IIT-H-Elan Fest

This concludes the post for the day,OOPs forgot the very important birthday wishes..


The celebrations were on full swing with most of the IT girls and ppl being present for the birthday bash of Sai Rupa,and quite some turn out from Ex-IT ppl,ala from CSE and also from the Lb nagar bus..

While the other birthday Bash was a totally private one,with a customized menu for today,it was something Biryani ??

And chicken,And No,I am not being paid or being bullied into making a mention of this menu on this blog,I am doing it only cause I found it a bit weird..:P,or to use the apt term,ludicrous…(Now stop goggling for it!)

Finally,I would like to close today's entry,with this reassuring line ,which conveys a message of trust,and security on part of this Blog’s reinforced commitment for Fair journalism and GITAM hyd..

We Are Here To Stay!

No bear can pull us down,No blockade from the management  can stop ppl from visiting our Blog!



I have been desperately trying to get that initial quality of the blog back,And I think,my attempt didn't go in vain,Cause I am pretty satisfied at today's post,considering all those issues on my mind,I personally feel elated of having made a post today!

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