lifeatgitamhyd , Love it,loathe it,But you can’t just ignore it…
I am making this particular post under very difficult circumstances,definitely not for me,here in Bengaluru but for most of my contributors back home in Hyderabad,I have often choose to conceal my identity,but when I do get my 3000 hits(With all the controversies,and discussions going on it wont be a hard task ),they are being screwed up by the management and also a couple of the MBA ppl,about some dumb comment I made with respect to whipping the arse of the person who is determined to ruin the fest..
More details of that post,Click Here.
Read the 4th Paragraph after “Sorry!!”,and you will clearly understand that,I have not implicated any of the organizers or the event managers in any form,If anyone did interpret it in that way,then its your mistake,and I am not gonna delete that sentence nor am I am goona apologize for it…
I recently received a twisted question about my accountability,And the only people I am supposed to be accountable to are my contributors,And they clearly don’t want that sentence to be deleted eihter hence I wont..!!!
This fest is under pressure,it is totally being crushed by various groups of students trying to take it over and get their friends/pals and ppl on board the fest rather than real creative,useful ppl,obviously with a few exception which imply some creative geeko’s who are set to save the fest..
To this particular group,which claims to call itself “The Mob” ,are on a mission to rescue this fest from the brinks of death,A very difficult task to be done given the time frame,but obviously worth an attempt,This is a call for all you Sane ppl out there on the campus,join hands and rescue this Fest,It is your fest,as much as this is your Blog..
Your calls of distress and creatively will surely be recognized either by Bhavani Sagar didi,Sravanthi didi or Vamsi Bhaiyya to name a few,approach these ppl and safe the fest..!!!
Join hands like the logo of Kibbutz’10 represents,jump onto the deck and extend your warm support..We need you to make this Fest a success,Come what may,We can’t let the college lie in ruin,Nor can we let our future down the drain..
Curb those evil forces,whether with iron hands or with Ak-47’s,but do curb…
the furthest,I can go is in motivating you, my dear readers, to join the crusaders bandwagon,(As I can’t be present there in person lol),But I assure you full support from this Blog..
I love GITAM,I love Kibbutz’10 in its new avatar..
A suggestion:Outsource the Website for heavens sake!!!
It up and about again,the contributors are knocking on my Inbox,finally something interesting to write about..
First a round of applause
*Three cheers!!!*
To Vinay(EEE),for being courteous enough to help out Umesh bhaiyya to get that damn rotten stone out of the the tyres!!!
How I wish I could have got some pics,these ppl did click some pics,but none of them made it up till my inbox,nor were those outrageous Video’s any helpful,What was the point of shooting/clicking them If you don't share them..!
The story:
The Narayanguda bus,was going through those tiny lanes of Lingamaplli (Sherlingampalli ??),after crossing the railway bridge,some kind of a weird din started,it lasted just for a while as the bus had to be stopped due to it..
Once the “Doctors” decided to get down and inspect the cause of worry,they finally diagnosed the problem to be,nothing as complicated as a Flat tyre but very close to it..
A Stone stuck between the gap of the left side two tyres,(I am making all kind of desperate attempts to put it into words..Curse you PPl.. For not getting those pics! )
The stuck stone,delayed the bus by close to 30 odd mins,and quite a lot of students reached more than 45 mins,later than their regular time…
After plenty of operations,which were activated in collaboration with umesh bhaiya,and the students of various Streams(A special request apparently,the IT students were reluctant to huh..?)
Nor were the CSE students all that helpful except a couple of them,But most of the burden feel on the EEE students,who worked up all kind of theories to get the mysterious Stone out of that gap,and were they successful..?
Yes they,were thanks to the presence of mind shown by EEE students followed up by a little help from CSE and hardly any mention of ECE,and IT,the stuck stone finally had to bow to the almighty Vinay.C….
As i previously mentioned,You can love this blog or despise it,but you simply can’t ignore it..!!!
be it the staffrooms,the Water points,bathrooms,Classrooms,Workshop,labs,Canteen,parking lot,buses or for that sake the directors Room..(LOL) you name it and we have either been abused there or have been the main reason of conversation,i seriously believe this is probably the only reason ppl of various streams are getting through their self drawn Boxed Life image ,previously confined to just their classroom,to explore and ask the now monotonous question “Who Owns the Blog ??”
As most of my contributors,out there are preaching it to the world,it is Your Blog,And I am only accountable to my contributors…
You cant deny the apparent fact,that this blog has now evolved into the de facto Blog on GITAM University Hyderabad campus!!!
So lets the party begin,get those 3000 hits as soon as possible,for that long awaited SCOOP!! of mine,with some added Masala post’s un covering the facts behind October 16th..!!!
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