First of all wishing all my readers out there(a heartfelt hug and thanks to Vampy ji!),and diligent followers who are apparently spending quite a lot of time on this Blog,let me start of this particular post,by re dedicating this Blog to GITAM UNIVERSITY,Hyd campus,its more to do with the students life,ala its evident from this Blog’s URL that this Blog is committed to become the pivotal portal of communication,FaceBook,Orkut e.t.c, groups take you only up to a certain extent,they don't give you the kinda of coverage like a dedicated Umbrella Blog does,and Recently I have had plenty of ppl mailing me,that they are proud about this Blog and flaunting their friends about it,Personally,I arn’t that proud of it,I havent been able to write a single article which I could be satisfied with in quite a couple of week’s(Excluding my last post,about the bandh,I had fun doing it!) I have been publishing plenty of half-baked post’s,and there are loads of drafts with respect to the SCOOP!! section in my hard drive desperately waiting for pics to trickle into my Inbox…And they will be published in a couple of hours,
thanks to the photography department “Heads” of this Blog(newly introduced!!) for all those lovely pics,those who have contributed will know,that I am referring to them..
The happening in and around the campus have been way to much for my core contributors,mostly based in the CSE Dept,they haven't been able to cover most of the other happenings in other sections due to various reasons ranging from the T factor, to their own personal reasons,which I cant actually have any control,I repeat again and this is a sincere humble request,
Take time off to contribute to this blog,either mail me here or onto my Facebook Fan Page , lets make this Blog much better and more informative,lets store all the memorable moments of the first batch in this Blog,come together my dear fellow GITAMites,contribute,share and shed your selfishness(:P),and share your pics with Us!!!
But,I except a better coverage now,as most of the hungama stuff have come to and end,with the release of the GITAM hyd Campus ka brochure apparently coming up this week,well,its an open fact that all the Industrial Tours,Guest Lectures and the likes of it were are lined up back to back just to get them onto the Brochure and Heck,you don't have to be a assiduous follower of this blog to know that,its been an open fact,If you still missed the hint You Gotta Be Dumb!!
With promising contributors coming,up I have finally decided to move onto a bigger and better task,I am detaching the Paz. tag of this Blog,though it will be associated with some of the Best posts to ever be published on this blog,and in my feature articles,like the Personal Messages and the scoop!!,So after having used a little personal space from ka Picasa album,the time has come to move into our very own picasa web master,and you can find all the related pics being uploaded onto the public albums of this particular one,the uploading process is still under,and very soon you will have a full fledged gallery of GITAM hyd,this Blog allows me a space of only 1 GB,hence I cant afford to upload pics and stuff onto it…
Soon we intend to start our very own YouTube channel too..!!
btw,we did register lifeatgitamhyd at YouTube too,there seems to be a sudden shortage of this name,all you mischievous lot out here stop using my URL for all kinda of things!!!!
I have been getting plenty of complaints with respect to the Followers Tab on this Blog,and in order to make it much simpler I decided to start off a Facebook Fan Page,and you can join the Fan page,with very little censorship from Me(or Us :P),and Blow your Mind off on the Fan Page itself..
Just a Click on my New Wibiya toolbar,and you can be a fan too..!!!
Click here,Facebook Fan Page.
I told ya ppl,that I would be busy for a couple of weeks this is exactly what I have been doing,Creating new stuff and trying to make this Blog much better and Popular too,and more anonymous,only those who contribute will know that they did contribute!!
Check out the blog,Twitter here..
I did most of the things,I could,now I would like the pilot lifeatgitamhyd team to carry forward the good work this blog has been doing,the Objectives of the new group running this blog are simple:
- Fair Reporting
- Problems of students
- No yellow Journalism
- No political clashes
- Strict anonymity
- Adherence to basic ethic
- No Personal attacks.(If I can help it :P)
- Aim:A detailed catalogue of the days happening!
And loads of other stuff,don't worry dear readers,I arn’t leaving this blog alone,I will keep watching every action of the blog,make sure no vulgarity or obscene stuff are posted on it nor Will I let it be used as a platform for personal attack on other fellow gitamites….
p.s.Coming pretty soon,a probable change in the Signature line!
And This weekend,we are celebrating SCOOP!!’s,have plenty of them lined up for this weekend,a couple today and a couple this space..!!