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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Personal message 3800 Hits.

Hey there everyone...!!

How is the preparation going with respect to the semester end exams,which are just around the corner,I can clearly see hard times up and about,and the rumour about you ppl from the Hyderabad campus getting grace marks for writing the exams earlier than projected,is probably true,believe it or not,the management is providing some kind of support to the IT stream,for their phy semester end exam,due to various issues ranging from the Telangana issue in general to the exclusive phy faculty issue,solely for the IT  stream...

And on the other hand the common problem faced by the other sections,happen to be entangled with the large amount of holidays dished out due to the Telangana issue,during the months of December and January,not to forget the article,published on Feb 26th,2010.

The wave theory(http://lifeatgitamhyd.blogspot.com/2010/01/college-closedyet-againworking-days.html) of the Holidays are all par se now,and we have matured quite a lot in terms of the posts we publish,and have become quite a pool of knowledge over all the minute things going on in an around the campus,A special thanks to all my contributors based in GITAM UNIVERSITY,HYDERBAD and those special contributions from the Faculty,add more value to the blog,also here,In this post,I would like to introduce a new class of students called the OBSERVERS.


These are the new set of people initiated,I am not gonna decided who is going to be a observer or who is going to be a contributor,they are not going to work against each other,but complement each other.

The role of an observer is very simple,these are the students who can contribute to the Blog indirectly,implies Not via the E-mail,system that we are all familiar with but,by forwarding their minute observations to a contributor,Who will mail them over to me,I have already got a good network in place for my contributors,who voluntarily took up the post,and can step down whenever they wish to,no restriction are placed on those who wish to become the observers of this Blog on campus,Ala,observers are the Eyes of this Blog,and will make the content even more mature and intellectual,Covering minute details which skip the casual eye..


The interested people can forward their observations,to the contributors,(I think,that public row,which took place on the 26th of march,I think,makes our top contributors very clear),By SMS or by word of mouth..!

So,Come be a part of this Blog,in either a small way or a big way,in any way you choose to,Come share,and contribute,Lets treasure and store all those little moments of joys..

I hereby raise a toast to the existing OBSERVERS on campus.(Yes,there are quite a few already!)

Btw,a observer wouldn't necessarily be aware of another observer,and we will see to it that your identities are concealed under our Contributors policy,(to be published on may,05/6,2010)

So a warm welcome to all the current observers and hoping to see more active participation of observers on campus,and on the Blog too..Any given day you can move ahead to become a contributor too..:)


Yeah..that true keeping in view,the exam around the corner,I am taking a long deserved vacation,I don't have much work on the Blog right now,Most of the gitamites are probably busy studying or something on the lines of studying,I seriously deserve a break,and I am taking a long one till you ppl write your English semester end exam...

So henceforth I render the Blog inactive,till the start or completion of this Semester end exams.

Till then relax,reading all the previous post on this blog,there are close to 90+ posts,And you can spend all the time in the world going over the golden period of Feb.

In the mean time,I will publish the GAT-2010 coverage...


A special word of thanks to the ppl from the ECIL bus,you have been very supportive to this Blog(Would appreciate it if you can "Follow us",using the widget on the right side..!),not necessarily through direct contributions,but through continued discussion of this Blog,quite a lot of contributors happen to be among your bus too(Read more than Two),And I am pleased at it,combined with the enormous support of ECE(ECIL bus,Is basically dominated by ECE ppl..:))..

It has been a great journey till here,and I owe that marvellous two part Telangana agitation(26th Feb),Which was loved by one and all(Except that controversial kho-Kho on NH-9 bit),to the people of your bus..

Stay with us and we will stay with you..



P.S.Before I log off for my little vacation,Catch the latest development on campus..


More on it Coming soon..Congratulations,on being on the verge of becoming the first full fledged Group..(Not that this Blog supports,groups-culture,But to everyone his own....!!!)

Picture Courtesy:Facebook.

There may be some issues over the picture(LOGO) featuring here,But  I sourced it out from Facebook,Which is a free domain,Next time you might considering Locking it up(if you don't want me to use it),via the Facebook privacy control policy,but as of now,I published it within all my legal rights..:),I don't intend to lash out or anything,just making things clear before hand..!

The picture isn't protected by copyscape,copy scan,or Creative commons Either..!

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