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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bad Omens fill the Day....DAY:05/04/2010

A confusing start,a very confusing one indeed,the morning was itself filled with all kinda of bad omens,with close to 2-3 buses failing due to various reasons,and the students of the respective buses having pushed into some bus or the other,Its very confusing,and I cant make it much clear myself,But let me jump into the details and see if I can clear the mist of confusion..!


The ECIL bus,met with an accident ,in the proximity of JNTU,the bus apparently ramped(Not a serious one!)into an RTC bus,and hence the students of the ECIL bus had to be shifted,and literally squeezed into the LB nagar bus,which was was close to the accident place..

Finally,the LB nagar bus picked up the ECIL students,and they moved on,little did they know of what was waiting for them near Patancheru..

The LB nagar bus failed..!

The LB nagar bus,broke down due to reason ranging from"Over loading" to failure of the accelerator,and the Gear wire coming off,ppl did the only thing they could with rumours,i.e,Spread them,and hence we have three view over what actually happened to the Lb nagar bus..lol..

So,lets assume,that due to the overloading of the Bus,the consequences which might have either been the accelerator failure or the gear wire thingy,followed up :)

Anyways,Some of the students of the Lb nagar bus were accommodated in the JNTU(Kukatpally) bus,which was behind the Lb nagar bus(Mind you,this bus also had ECIl ppl in it :P),and the other had to wait for the Ameerpet bus to pick them up,which happened in the due course of time..

So the Summary of this bus failure,Working on a public holiday is injurious to buses..:P

Today happens to be babu Jagjivan Ram's Birth day :)


Well,its the issues doing the round right now,the apparatus in the Phy lab,especially the Dark room is in a very pathetic condition,not anymore I believe,but I seriously hope this doesn't repeat,Cause the Phy Lab in charge, oh Fuck,Here I go, I am gonna name him Balaji Ji,is apparently pretty pissed at the state of the various apparatus in the Lab right now,(I Bet anyone would be pissed of at it,after all the equipment is very expensive),and the culprits,if you read this blog post  , be forewarned he is desperate to get to the bottom of it,and he isn't an easy person to do deal with,Definitely not after the way We(The Blog and I ) lashed out at him(I did apologize,indirectly for doing it..lol..),but yeah coming back to the heart of it,Very dumb on ruining the apparatus in the phy lab...

I will surely cover the consequences too..:P

Anyways that apart,the Phy internal was the only lab internal(there were three others going on),with "bandobust" arranged,and close to 4 odd invigilators,and security guards and the stuff like that...

It was apparently,with the presence of various non-teaching staff,it looked like the students were being made to write the exam under curfew circumstance,Not a normal regular internal!!

The nail in the coffin,was that the students were frisked after the internal(Dumb!!),well, wouldn't blame anyone for such an extreme step,the management(implies faculty ),wanted to be sure that no one steals stuff from the lab any more!

The Chem lab,went on very easily thanks to the presence of Pathrudu ji,and Surrender ji,well,Surrender Ji has always been known to a little strict compared to Pathrudu ji,over and all the Lab went ahead with hardly any trouble,just like a regular lab would have been conducted..

Same with the E/E ppl,I seriously envy those ppl who got Fan wiring and the Tube light thing,accepted Viva voice,wasn't all that easy,But Bindu priya maam,has always been a kind woman at heart,but  that does not mean she is all that lenient,She is professional enough to conduct the Internal in a peaceful manner,and It did happen in a peaceful manner,no kinda of dumb instances reported from here..

except a couple of Mobile trouble,for which there is obviously room to be excused..


ECE ppl had to write their second quiz today,and I take no pride in mentioning this subject,I always never liked Phy from School,level itself,and its just a co-incidence that I have been lashing out at the Phy faculty head too,And its a sheer co incidence(You gotta believe me on this),That I have to keep referring to this guy over and over,I feel very weird having to take his name over and over...

So the Phy Quiz II,was held today,and the only reason most of the ECE ppl turned up today is due to this Quiz,else they would have taken a day off to prepare for their respective internals,But ECE ppl,take my advise,Its very easy Chem and E/E are,Until and unless,you have a very bad attitude,they will be easy...


And we are finally glad to notice,that the upcoming GAT-2010,has got something good for us,the Air conditioning was switched on for quite a couple of hours today,Don't be alarmed,The students hardship in the heat,was probably the second thing which made the management switch on the AC's,but the major reason is the Quality inspection going on campus,All the class room were surveyed to the Dot by a group of four five members with elaborate equipment in the 3rd/4th periods,and they are goona get all the stuff right before the 16th of this month..


As usual,if anyone has a Lab,especially a Phy lab the buses are delayed by close to 15- 30 odd minutes,read any of my posts either on a Monday,Tuesday,or a Wednesday in the month of Feb,more often than not,I have referred to the the buses being delayed due to the Phy lab,Guess who is to be blamed for it..:)

And the buses took off at around 4:30 odd..




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