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Wednesday, June 16, 2010



The previous matrix provided was right,according to the last year intake,and for the new courses in Hyderabad,it was the projected intake,which were basically inputs.

We have now published the latest seat matrix,for GAT 2010,which are factual to our knowledge,any error is  regretted.


The total number of seats available in GITAM  University,for the academic year 2010-2014,stands as follows,true to our knowledge.

STREAM/COURSE Vishakhapatnam Hyderabad Total
CSE 225 90 315
IT 225 90 315
ECE 225 90 315
EIE 90 90 180
EEE 90 90 180
CIVIL 90 90 180
MECH 90 90 180
IPE(MMM) 90 90 180
Bio-tech 90 NA 90
Dual degree(ECE) 45 45 90
Dual Degree(Mech) 45 NA 45
Campus Total 1350 765 2115


  • Apparently these seats are for the Open category,we are confused over this too.
  • Any errors are regretted.
  • The previous Seat matrix for the availability of the seats stands true as per predictions and last year data.



p.s.For further reference we enclose a Snapshot taken early in the morning,for support of this matrix.


The watermark covered this part::Mech engg-5 yrs dual degree code:MC5

Extra details:

The rank was 271 odd,and time 9:36 am.(IST)


  1. Dude, I don't think the seat matrix is holding up. At this time, the counselling is on rank 1602 and ECE vizag has only 46 seats vacant. No way closing rank of ECE vizag is going to go upto 3700 this time. More like 2500 maybe.

  2. Trust me it wont stand till 2k either..!
    But this is only the first counselling,remember we said we took into account all the 3 counsellings(Extended/sliding/2nd counselling and the last counselling and everything ? :P
    Do read the procedure part of the post properly please,and yeah for latest updates check our Fan page.

  3. and that time they were 300 seats,this time a cut in seats to 225

  4. Hello guys ...

    I have a query. As far as i kno , i am supposed to take a dd in favour of GITAM university payable @ Vishakapatnam for RS 1,25,000/- right !!!

    Correct me if i am wrong !!

    and also ... Wat abt hostel and mess fees ?? wen and were am i supposed to pay that ?? are we supposed to pay the same at the time of counseling and if that's is the case ..... then how much ??

    thank u for u'r help !!!

  5. how many seats are vacant at present that is on 17-06-2010.please tell me

  6. Coming soon,we will post in between 9:00 to 10:00.



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