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Sunday, June 13, 2010


Note: *Apologize*We are late by 45 mins,due to the football fever.

Finally,we have decided to relive you of the burden of visiting our Admission queries page,and having to go through the ordeal of loading the hugely popular Admission queries page,with close to 200 odd comments.

GAT 2010:

GAT(GITAM ADMISSION TEST),is an online examination conducted by GITAM UNIVERSITY,for admissions into its various courses,available at both its campuses,namely GITAM  University  Hyderabad Campus(Off campus) and GITAM University Visakhapatnam(main campus).


In the wake of the recent developments,and keeping in mid the needs of the would be gitamites(be it GITAM UNIVERSITY Hyderabad or Vizag :P),we have decided to compile a seat matrix,exclusively(Okay been using way to many adjectives!) for GITAM UNIVERSITY.


The following seat matrix of GITAM UNIVERSITY is based on the previous ranking of GAT 2009.

The procedure is pretty simple,we pooled in inputs from about various students from various groups based in GITAM UNIVERSITY Hyderabad and Vishakhapatnam, and they have obliged to share the minute details,from their memory like the ranking at which various stream closed and opened.


Since,the counselling to GITAM  University ,has been held in various session about 2-3 counselling sessions,there may be a few dispensaries quoted in the ranks here,and the actual closing/opening ranks.

How ever,we claim that the following details are factual,but limited to our(including our contributors knowledge),the following compilations are heavily based on the first counselling session for the opening ranks and the last counselling session for the closing rank,which gives a clear picture,rather than relying  only on one counselling session.


The following matrix is a compilation by the lifeatgitamhyd team,and shouldn't not be confused as the official seat matrix.

The following seat matrix is not the official seat matrix of GITAM UNIVERSITY,and is put together by a group of students,the seat matrix is to be used only as a means of guidelines,and not a legal stipulation assuring the prospective students in the given rank category a seat.


Course/Stream Opening(vskp) Closing (vskp) Opening(Hyd) Closing(Hyd)
CSE 2500 9200 2600 10600
IT 8000 14000(incomplete) 8700 19000(incomplete)
ECE 450 3700 500 4200
EIE 6500 8500 ~5600 ~9500
EEE 3700 7000 4700 8200
CIVIL 4000 8600 ~4500 ~9000
MECH 2800 6400 ~3000 ~7000
IPE(MMM) 7000 10800 ~7500 ~10000
Bio-tech 6000 13000 NA NA


  • The order followed in this seat matrix,is in accordance with the courses order followed at www. gitam.edu.
  • The ranks indicate the opening ranks and the closing ranks for each stream,during GAT 2009,and are subject to variations(error) of anywhere between 500-1000 ranks(plus or minus).
  • NA:Not applicable.These courses were not available in the Hyderabad campus during,GAT 2009.
  • “Incomplete” implies few vacant seats still left(In convenors quota,not including the vacant seats of management quota.)
  • `~`implies projected as these courses were not available last year.
  • The Above rankings are “rounded off” to the nearest multiple of hundred.
  • The above rankings are void of  the ranks of NRI/management seats.
  • Any more queries in addition to theses will be duly answered here,Click here.


STREAM/COURSE Vishakhapatnam Hyderabad Total
CSE 300 120 420
IT 300 120 420
ECE 300 120 420
EIE 120 60 180
EEE 120 120 240
CIVIL 120 60 180
MECH 120 60 180
IPE(MMM) 60 60 120
Bio-tech 120 NA 120
Campus Total 1560 720 2280


  • Including the reservation seats.
  • Each section in one stream has 60 seats,plus 6 seats for management quota.

EX: ECE has 360 seats,but only 300 are for the convenors quota.


Another compilation in the next 24 hrs will follow,on 14th June,2010,which will give a glimpse of the probable ranking matrix for the new courses established.


Any errors,or corrections in ranks,can be intimated to the LAGH team at lifeatgitamhyd@gmail.com




  1. from what i have read from above , In GITAM vizag, each of CSE /IT/ECE/EEE etc have 300 seats !! Am i rght ?? and if it is true ... it means every batch has 300 students doing eee .. ece ... etc ??

    How is that possible ?? I mean .. if u go to IIT' s /NIT's or even BITS , VIT , MANIPAL , SRM etc ...

    CSE or EEE or MECH etc ... have 120 seats per group ??

    And what about placements ?? how will 300 mech students get a core job ?? ohk ..forget 300 .. how many mech or eee students can expect a core job ??

  2. As we already told ya they were subject to review with the vizag team,We have updated it now.

    Coming to SRM,VIT,Manipal all of them have seats in the same region of 250-300 for "core" groups like,ECE,CSE etc.
    While other have in the region of 150-200.

    And IIT /NITS/BITS..?
    Don't even compare them to these institutions..!
    they are a class apart,BITS,IITS and NITS are.

  3. Excellent work! Thanks for having gven a glimpse of the possible options to the GAT 2010 rankers. It would be even greater if you could also give an idea of the placements record @ GITAM in the immediately preceding 2 to 3 years.
    Best Wishes

  4. Excellent work! Thanks for having gven a glimpse of the possible options to the GAT 2010 rankers. It would be even greater if you could also give an idea of the placements record @ GITAM in the immediately preceding 2 to 3 years.
    Best Wishes

  5. I had asked a question on your admissions query page. I just wanted to remind you, in case you forgot to check that one. Thank you:)

  6. @anon:
    we have work on hand we will to accommodate your request, usually getting placement records is a difficult task,but we will give it a shot ..:)

    We are full on the plate right now,we are probably more busy than the management itself over GAT 2010..:P
    Btw will reply to your query in a while ..:)

  7. is gitam hyd good??
    shud i join gitam hyd??
    plz help...

  8. We need a more specific question :)



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