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Thursday, June 17, 2010


Note:We compiled this post,under tremendous stress and in a probable condition of fatigue,as we have had our eyes glued to the system screens for most part of the day,and helping everyone out through every possible channel ,means possible,so Do excuse us for any errors or rude/Sharp comments in this post,we are done updating it !


GAT 2010(GITAM ADMISSION TEST),is a common entrance exam for admission into various programmes offered by GITAM UNIVERSITY,in this post,we cover the day two experience of GAT 2010.

While the day one analysis,can be read by click here,Click here.!


We have had a good response to our SMS helpline,”aadhara”,but the team handling it was pretty confused and hence we have decide to issues new guidelines,as an add on to the last guidelines issues in the previous post,click here.

  • DON'T CALL US!!!


Rank <space> name <space> <query>

please follow the above format,and the number remains unchanged."aadhaara" 9966891441.

please remember:

  • The SMS helpline is for the students/juniors to connect with us during the counselling session,from the counselling hall,others are requested not to flood our inbox,as it destroys the main purpose of the SMS helpline.
  • those who don’t have counselling or have other queries,we are always willing to help you either here on the blog,at our admissions queries page,or the Facebook Fan Page, Admission Queries board.
  • Bottom-line:Don't misuse the service,keep it free ,to do what it needs to for those in the counselling halls :)


ECE,MECH,EEE,CSE in the vizag campus are all sold out,with ECE leading the pack,closing at 1878 yesterday,and Mech following it closely at about 2973 and EEE on the heels of mech at 3390 rank.

While CSE did put up a good fight with EEE,it ended at sub 5,000.

Thought we predict that most of the First day counselling seats will be vacated ,and will be filled up by sliding,and hence the juniors,are requested not to lose hope.

last year,too the same pattern was observed,so be calm.

Students today were reluctant over the credibility of the duel degree programs,but the ECE dual degree program closed out too.!

While on the other hand,the Vizag campus has performed below our expectations,but it showed some improvement like,the seats of


We expect Civil(Vizag),EIE(vizag) to close tomorrow,during the first session itself.

Reasons vary,as ECE and EIE are filled upto the brim,those who were interested in the electrical subjects will lean towards EIE,and while Civil has only 34 seats left,we can but only expect it to close by tomorrow.

And once civil/eie does close,the following pattern will probably follow,

Mech dual,IE,and then later IT.


The rank wise predictions for vizag follow:

IT 10,000
EIE 7,000
Civil 6,500
Mech(dual) 7,000
Bio-tech 10,000
IE 8,500

Note:these are just predictions based on the previous GAT 2009  ranking matrix available here,these may be proved totally wrong tomorrow,so don’t take this as a de facto results of tomorrow..:)


Hyderabad seats wont change much,today the response to the Hyderabad campus has been lukewarm even for lucrative courses like ECE,which was stagnant for quite some time and closed only in the evening,while EEE and Mech at vizag were moving pretty quickly the ECE Hyderabad was at about 40-50 seats in the afternoon,clearly people are keeping high hopes on the sliding process.

Or the other theory could be that,people are preferring a well established campus over a new budding campus,which isn’t entirely wrong ,we would like to add that thought the Hyderabad campus isn’t excellent,the progress it has made has been pretty impressive,in the last 6 months :)

Some parents reasoned out that EEE vizag is equal to ECE Hyderabad,due to the infrastructure/faculty,we would leave it to you,our readers to decide it for yourself :)

We did compile a random matrix for tomorrow,but the way the students will react to the Hyderabad campus is totally unpredictable,we have according to the last year patterns,come to a decision that most of the seats in Hyderabad will probably remain even after tomorrows(18/06/2010),counselling.

But,things might go anyway with respect to the Hyderabad campus,it is extremely tricky,and more like a gamble.

Tomorrow will be exciting :)

The expected rank wise predictions for Hyderabad follow:

CSE 8,500
IT 12,000
EEE 8,000
EIE 8,500
Mech 7,500
Civil 8,500
Bio-tech 10,000
IE 8,500
ECE(Dual) 8,000

Note:these are just predictions based on the previous GAT 2009  ranking matrix available here,these may be proved totally wrong tomorrow,so don’t take this as a de facto results of tomorrow..:)

DAY TWO SEAT LEFT AS ON 17-10-2010: 

STREAM/COURSE Vishakhapatnam Hyderabad
CSE 0/300 90/120
IT 273/300 118/120
ECE 0/300 0/120
EIE 34/120 90/120
EEE 0/120 97/120
CIVIL 31/120 89/120
MECH 0/120 90/120
IE(or IPE previously MMM) 89/120 90/120
Bio-tech 84/120 NA
ECE(dual degree) 0/60 49/60
Mech(Dual degree) 20/60 NA
Campus Total 531/1740 664/720

The snapshot at the closing rank for today follows please cross check it :

SS 17 06 2010 19 04 46




p.s.We made it into the top 10 results of www.google.com, here a snapshot follows,thank you everyone,we dedicate this to everyone who made this possible,directly or indirectly..:)


A full fledged post will follow shortly,once the GAT 2010 hungama dies down :P


  1. Hey
    MEC is closed before 3000!
    EEE is closed before 3300!

  2. Well,Mech Vizag closed at 2937 :P
    And EEE vizag closed at 3390 to be more precise :)

    We made the required changes :)



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