Note:you will probably find most of the statements paragraphs similar to the yesterday post,except replacement of some branches here and there,and addition of new statements ,The logic is simple.
- We are extremely tired .
- Why change something which is good ?
So we have decided to redo the post of yesterdays and spice it up to suite the needs of tomorrows session,If we would have attempted at writing a totally new article,we would have probably messed it up,as in our current situation,we are not in any physical state to write creative new article which are fresh and out of the box,like we usually used to do :P
GAT 2010(GITAM ADMISSION TEST),is an all India common entrance exam conducted by GITAM University,for admissions into various programmes offered at its campuses located in Hyderabad and Vizag.
We are here in tracking down,the rank patterns of today(Day three)and the projected ranking patterns of tomorrow(DAY FOUR).
For the previous two analysis,please click here:
Vizag is totally sold out,except some seats which are left in IE,IT,biotech and b.Pharm.(matrix at the end :))
We believe IE is a pretty good,course but is extremely under estimated,but with only 74 seats left out it it should probably,close within 10,500 rank tomorrow.
While,IT is still under tremendous effects of last year,shows absolutely no signs of recovery this year either,normally we see students preferring IT,once CSE is completed,but this time some of them (the students) went a step ahead and quit the counselling session,instead of opting for IT,or CSE at Hyderabad.
Bio-tech,bio tech is pretty impressive,since it is rarely opted for,but this has performed pretty well compared to last year,and obviously it will go into the peak of 12-13,000,but it is only casue most of the students who write GAT ,are from MPC,and we usually see MPC student shying away from Bio-Tech.
Coming to the Hyderabad part of it,A very poor show,blame it on the management or the current status of the campus,we will deal with this issues later in the post.
CSE is back with a bang,but it remains whether it will hold onto its current status of third most sought(1st ECE,2nd Mech) after branch even after the sliding,process,we are pretty sceptical about it.
The surprise was the closing of the ECE(dual degree),we didn't expect it,so early on.
IT was still struggling to pull up and keep a tough fight,and it has been a dismissal show by IT at both the campuses till now,IT remains as good as ever,but people are still reluctant to pursue the course.
Thank you everyone for making good use of the SMS helpline,and not flooding it up with mad rush of messages like yesterday :)
We are committed to provide you with help at every step,and we are always willing to help you be it either on this Blog,or the Facebook Fan page,just remember if you are not in the counselling hall then don’t SMS us,as we might lose out the actual casue of the helpline,which is to help students who are in a state of dilemma in the counselling hall :)
The team can be contacted at :9966891441
The guidelines of yesterday shouldn't be forgotten, the format remains unchanged,
Rank <space> name <space> Query .
We expect no miracles,today and most of the predictions(for today) did materialize ,but it isn’t magic just science and math put together,which is well known as probability .
Well coming back to the predictions, IE will probably close by tomorrow,IT is expected to keep struggling,while Bio-tech will latke its own sweet time to fill up :)
The rank wise predictions for vizag follow:
IT | 14,000 |
Bio-tech | 13,000 |
IE | 10,500 |
Note:these are just predictions based on the previous GAT 2009 ranking matrix available here,these may be proved totally wrong tomorrow,so don’t take this as a de facto results of tomorrow..:)
Hyderabad seats wont change much,today the response to the Hyderabad campus has also been lukewarm even for lucrative courses like EEE,which were sought after last year.
The EEE seats filled up prior to the CSE seats in GAT 2009,guess CSE is finally back.
But on the other hand,IT/IE look handicapped!
They are not even moving,still where they were initially in the day one.
For the first two days of GAT 2010,the progress with respect to the Hyderabad campus has been pretty phenomenal and greater than our expectations,but then during the third day the management decided to play some cheap trick to fill up places in the Hostels.
Some sections of the management were non committal on transport to the juniors,while they did acknowledge the fact that bus facility is being provided to the seniors,they didn’t give a strong indication that it would be available for the juniors ,and pushed for them to consider the hostels(Apparently the hostel fees is still under consideration!) This put the prospective students in a fizzy state.
So most of the students decided to shift over to the Vizag campus.
Here follows an incident which took place yesterday
To a query on the transport
"Why college buses sir,you have hostels,no ?"And the parent ended up like,"Okay,If my kid has to go to the Hostel,better go to Vskp"(Rank of the Kid ~2500 ,Seat Mech),wanted ECE Hyd,but his dad was like , Anyway you are going to the hostel,Vizag is better and 30 yrs old. :) “
And that is the perfect example,to explain the stagnation of seats at the Hyderabad campus.
And most of the contributors,readers etc,wanted us to clarify on this Bus issues and we state as far as our knowledge is concern:
“GITAM University Hyderabad campus has apparently ordered(true to our sources :P) eight new buses for use by the juniors.”
So don’t fall for the hostel trap,transport will be available :)
We did compile a random matrix for tomorrow,but the way the students will react to the Hyderabad campus is totally unpredictable,we have according to the last year patterns,come to a decision that most of the seats in Hyderabad will probably remain even after tomorrows(20/06/2010),counselling.
But,things might go anyway with respect to the Hyderabad campus,it is extremely tricky,and more like a gamble.
Tomorrow will be exciting :)
The expected rank wise predictions for Hyderabad follow:
IT | 15,000 |
EEE | 8,500 |
EIE | 10,500+ |
Civil | 12,000 |
IE | 11,000+ |
- + implies will most probably go up by at least a couple of 100’s ranks,if today’s ranking patterns follow.
- these are just predictions based on the previous GAT 2009 ranking matrix available here,these may be proved totally wrong tomorrow,so don’t take this as a de facto results of tomorrow..:)
STREAM/COURSE | Vishakhapatnam | Hyderabad |
CSE | 0/300 | 0/120 |
IT | 184/300 | 119/120 |
ECE | 0/300 | 0/120 |
EIE | 0/120 | 116/120 |
EEE | 0/120 | 14/120 |
CIVIL | 0/120 | 113/120 |
MECH | 0/120 | 0/120 |
IE(or IPE previously MMM) | 74/120 | 119/120 |
Bio-tech | 106/120 | NA |
ECE(dual degree) | 0/60 | 0/60 |
Mech(Dual degree) | 0/60 | NA |
Campus Total | /1740 | /720 |
The snapshot at the closing rank for today follows please cross check it :
p.s.As usual any errors are duly regretted :)
Excuse us if the post is not up to the mark,but we assure you the predictions were not compromised on..:)
We are logging off for the day..:)