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Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Lab Queen Is Back!!!!....DAY:01/04/2010

It was supposed to have happened the Next sem,ala,the 3rd semester.Sri Vani maam(Oh,right you read it right,and those who have claimed to have met her aren't dreaming..!)

Its true,that she has bounced back,and this reality hit the It batch hard in the face early in the morning,They were mentally prepared to face the heat from Balaji sir,who would have been the only faculty member supervising the External,But they simply had no indication that they would have to face Sri Vani maam.

Anyways,apparently it wasn't so bad having to face her,I bet ECE/IT would disagree with me over this statement,Cause they were the only once who had to face her, EEE got a taste of her apparent wrath last semester in the form the disastrous Phy lab experiences(In some cases only,there are always exception),But then again things change with time...


Both,the Batch I of IT and Batch II of CSE,came out pretty happy from the phy lab having been prepared for the worst,what with the lab internals being held under total,wait a sec..yeah the word "bandobust" slots in well with the sentence...

Right,The lab internals were held under extremely vigilant and the students were forced through the stringent of rules,never heard of either in the campus of GITAM UNIVERSITY HYDERBAD,nor else where..:P 4 invigilators,2 security cards,for a batch of 30 ppl,Now what can be worst than such an arrangement for a mere Internal ??

And then,you cant blame the students for being terrified to enter the lab for the Externals,it had to be the BAAP of the internal,But the things didn't span out in the way the students expected them too..

Au  contraire,they had an awesome experience in the lab atleast most of them felt that way after coming out of the lab,expecting the Internal kinda of atmosphere and having a little relaxed kind of lab session,it went on very smoothly,except the Ban Gap apparatus,which had some kind of trouble with this..

This apart,For those who take the external in the next couple of days to follow,rest assured,be cool as a cucumber and you will make it through,and Attitude isn't definitely everything,you show some kinda of attitude to either of the external,if implies that you are gonna be totally Screwed Up!


There was a new kid on campus,The small Cute baby of Sri Vani maam was on campus today at around 3:30 odd or so, a Car pulled through the main gate,carrying the cute little girl..!

Every other faculty member,got to check this new kid out,and she did cry a couple of times,on campus..

A person who saw this child upfront,just dropped a one line email to me it read Sri vani maam's baby was on campus.."Exponentially Cute!!"

And I don't cease to agree with the general reaction,a new born baby is obviously cute...!!

And I was just wondering if Sri Vani maam,heard about this Blog,I am pretty confident she has been briefed about what has been going on campus,Since her long break,And obviously this blog must have popped up at some point of time or another,if it Didn't I am disappointed, if it did,A simple message to you maam,Happy to Have you back..!

And I would feel privileged,if you can lend me a pic of your new born girl...it would be lovely to host..:)


Oh No,I didn't forget to give a review of the OOPS session,

ECE and It had it in the evening session,and CSE and It in the morning session.

other batches be forewarned the programs are not entirely restricted to the Syllabus book(Apparently).

ECE had a cake walk through the lab session,with some people even performing the Virtual Destructors program to perfection,While most of the CSE and IT folks have hardly heard of that particular concept..!!

EEE was an exception,as always coming out with mixed reviews about the labs.

The partitions,put in place for GAT 2010 are still in place,that kinda of makes it hard to communicate.

The old files have all been promptly deleted,and the password for the new user is "buser".


Awesome,experience,the lab was held in a very cool atmosphere and it was more like a normal,Lab session,nothing so hard ,the Viva was a little fiasco.

But alls well that ends well,its been a hard time for some particular students in ECE to deal with Chemistry and they are finally entitled to the freedom they have deserved..!


ECE people were on a roll in this lab to,after a shocking performance in the OOPS lab,they came out bright bright in the E/E workshop too..!!
Last Sem,CRO was the dreaded Experiment,but for the students who got the CRO experiment today it was Childs play,The magical section of ECE mostly steered clear of trouble in the E/E Workshop,But the EEE,the namesake of the E/E workshop,had more trouble during the lab than they could have possibly have imagined,the consequences of having taken the Lab for granted resulted in a bitter experience for some students of EEE,Batch II.

But,Bindu Priya maam,being as courteous as ever,decided to let them go..


The most fun filled lab of this sem,Chemistry and E/E follow this Lab for being the most vibrant labs.

Headed by a popular sir,Babu Rao ,the renowned planer of the Industrial trips and the brain child of the coming soon Industrial tour(In 2nd year,2 weeks),this Lab scores brownie points for his great persona(In spite of being pretty short..:P)

The illustrious Auto-Cad Lab comes to an end in  a couple of days.

As for the review session of this Lab,no hardships just do some basic preparation. 




  1. wow buddy its been an awsome change ...hopin u keep it up comin.

  2. hey sri vani maam's baby is a boy and not a girl....

  3. Seriously ??
    I will check it up....

  4. Correction made.
    Error regretted.




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