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Monday, May 3, 2010

The Frisbee,Birthday, and “Seniors”….DAY:03/05/2010

Plenty of wishes for the IT stream,and one batch a piece of ECE and EEE for becoming “seniors”,you have officially completed the exams,and weather you clear all your papers or not,you will be eligible to go into the 3rd semester.

And hence,you are the first people,to  become  seniors..:P

Coming to the day,this post took quite some time to come about,as we have plenty of contributions,and conflicting views over today,And we had to make sure that we had the legitimate information before this post could have been published.

And now,lets enter this beautiful day marked,with hi-fi birthday bashes(Who had no problem sharing their pics with us),and the Frisbee brigade for their in depth contributions about the game,and to the critics of the Frisbee brigade,I will give you a paragraph at the end of this post..:)


I am not gonna go into the in depth analysis of the Labs,they keep coming all the time,but I will just pull up the time table for today,and move into the birthday zone..:)



Well,we did wish Aditya Vamsi(Babu/AVK/Football team captain),on our Facebook Fan page and also on our SMS Channel,it is with pride that,I take up the work of writing this article,cause,AVK has been a long time supporter of this Blog,and we love his support more than anything else,I feel privilege to cover his Birthday,and we do it with his permission.

The birthday of K.T.Dheeraj Singh,which was on 29th April,2010(He was wished by this Blog on both the facebook Fan page and also the SMS channel ),and a little gift to Vishal whose birthday falls on 04,May,2010.


The  Birthday Cake !!

The party,started off after everyone was done with their morning lab session,and this was the first Birthday bash by the seniors,ala,the second year ppl :P

The Cake,the drinks,candles,snow sprays etc,were all brought by the canteen management and a special word of thanks to them,for making this Birthday possible.

Everyone who was someone of ECE was possibly present(Excluding those who left at 1:00 after their external lab) for the bash in the canteen,the party started off at about 2:00’odd,and it went on for quite some time.

The Birthday Boy:

Aditya Vamsi(ECE)

The previous Birthday Boy:

K.T.Dheeraj Singh(ECE)


Well,as the basic norm of every mature birthday,the cake was obviously not meant to be eaten,Half way through the birthday song,the cake attacks started off(I do have a couple  of  cake-on-my-face  pics,But will publish them only if ppl want me too..:))

Before,the first stanza of the birthday song was completed,AVK and Dheeraj were covered with Snow spray and cake on their faces.

There was no point in washing it off,cause the moment they came back fresh from the wash basin in the canteen,further cake assaults followed.

It was fun watching them all get rid of their exam pressure,and relax by celebrating this Birthday in a good fashion.

After spending enough cake on various ppl,believe me,it wasn’t just the Birthday lads who had to endure the cake attacks,but the normal guys had to put up with cake attacks,it was more of a regular cake fight rather than the customary birthday cake bash..:P

And once,enough cake was wasted ,the party moved into the serious sessions of eating the left over cake,drinks followed.(Not Hard ones..:P)

Once,the party brigade filled up their stomachs they were ready to start a photo session,and a group pic follows:


After completing the photo session,the party split up into various groups and some moved over into the canteen and some into the ECE class room,where a game of  dumb charades was concluded by an excellent dance session,which was apparently pretty fun to watch,and participate too,the group in the ECE class room had a  hell of a time revealing  all the exam stress and channelling all their energy,into excellent dance moves ,which was apparently a sight worth to watch..:)

And how can a Birthday take place without the actual bashes ?

A Birthday bash,how ever fun filled it may be will never be a “bash” without the actual literal bashing up of ppl,and I conclude this part of the post with the Birthday bumps !!



Note: The Above two pics,will be deleted if requested either by AVK(BABU ) or Dheeraj,I just felt,they ought to have a say in these two pics,So get me at admin@lifeatgitamhyd.com ppl..!

The Frisbee :

More often than not,we have always loved playing Frisbee as kids,and as we grow up we tend to lose the pleasure out of small things like Frisbee,dog in the bones,lock and key and plenty more games like that,We believe that growing implies letting go of these “Childish ” games.

But,I tend to disagree a lot on this,Its  games like this which keeps the child in us alive,the child which springs at the sight of Captain planet or for that matter even Mowgli.

And a specific group of students had a chance to relish their joy of playing Frisbee,and before jumping into more of the Frisbee events on campus,A couple of contributors wanted me to make a couple of things clear,


With that settled lets get back to the game,what initially started off as a simple game of Frisbee with a lid(Blue),15 mins later evolved into a huge game of Frisbee with more than 20 odd players !!!,Considering the Labs session in the afternoon to be on,this was indeed a huge number,And another game was on campus,apart from the regular cricket,TT or some other regular game.


Today will be remembered as not just the first full fledged birthday to be covered by this Blog,but also the birth of Frisbee on a large scale on campus.

And the game was thoroughly enjoyed by the Frisbee brigade,and not to forget to thank the wind which has been so “kind” to the Frisbee brigade,that close to 60% of the times,the Frisbee was back at the team,which initially launched it.

With some occasional hits at the E/E workshop(Which had an external in progress),and marked with quite some cries of “Heads Up!!”,the game finally came to an end,once the buses started moving in.

But,the players ended up using two Frisbee's actually,the first Lid which was used was broken unintentionally by Gatte kaushik,who seems to have had quite some tough hands..:P

But,then 10 mins later  another blue Lid,rather Frisbee was in place.

Please note through out this post I keep referring to a Frisbee,But somehow I forgot to mention that the “Frisbee” was actually a circular LID..:P

 DSC01040  DSC01042

And so a fun filled day comes to an end,I am gonna close this post with obvious reference to the masala dosa,which was introduced today and the whole campus seemed to be on a masala dosa frenzy,with quite some people gobbling upto four dosa’s,at a go,Now that is what I call addiction,either they were terribly hungry or the Dosas were extremely good to resist..:)





  1. Nice to see someone coming up with a blog on GITAM.. nice idea...

    I started my personal blog 4 years ago with the title, 'Ragas Of GITAM' ... That's the liking I have on GITAM...

  2. Good to here that,would be wonderful if you can send in some tips to admin@lifeatgitamhyd.com !

  3. I studied in GITAM, Vizag... Not in GITAM, Hyd ..

  4. Obviously,cause this Blog represent the first batch of GITAM Hyderabad..:)
    p.s.Visited your EEE gang,blog pretty good write up there.
    What happened to your Raagas of GITAM blog ?
    Didn't find it on your profile...

  5. I loved your blog btw..:)

  6. Thanks a lot, Lifeatgitamhyd(wat's ur original name, btw)...

    the url of my personal blog is http://www.ragasofgitam.com

    I just showed the love for GITAM this way...

  7. Its Prajeeth,If you consider this site to be a blogzine(ala,magazine),then I am the editor ..:)
    How about following us on our Facebook fan page ?
    We would love to have some alumni from the parent campus..:)



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