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Friday, May 28, 2010

GAT 2010(B.tech/B.pharm) COUNSELLING : 16th June.

Lets,get this straight,and crystal clear before you accuse us of Yellow Journalism or any other such term.

LAGH’s,buzzing Bee(Yeah,the bee,which keeps telling us stuff about the ATM or the AC canteen,*Why did you have to pull your eyebrows ? :P*,Find more  on it after two days , and Virtually feeds the SCOOP!! section of the blogzine :))

NOTE:The UGM/PGM, extended counselling will be held from 29th May.

Test Code 88(M.tech/MBA): Will probably be held,after the first counselling of B.tech/B.Pharm.

this is not the official,release or the statement of GITAM UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD OR VIZAG,we are only quoting a source,and this blog post,doesn't imply that this is the official stand of the university.


Yes,according to reliable sources ,GAT 2010 Counselling is set to take place from 16th June,for the B.tech/B.pharm streams.(GAT 2010-test Code 99),and we believe we are the first ones  to report this,this may be wrong too,but our understanding is that if it isn’t on the 16th of june,it will be in the region of 16th of June.

So,come 16th June,the selling of seats will start,yet again!



The only,thing which is stopping the GAT 2010 counselling,is probably the full fledged construction going on in both the campuses,Vis-à-vis, Vizag and Hyderabad.

But,it is basically the Hyderabad campus,which has put the GITAM  Administration in a cleft stick,as the construction work is not going on as per the initial plans(Ah,*with extreme sarcasm*Something different right ? ),the management wanted the hostels,at least a couple of rooms,with electrical wiring (No,the EEE students are not doing IT!),so that the prospective set of  “bakaras”,will have something to chew on before looking at the kind of infrastructure we have like the Library we had to live with for over a year,30-40 copies of Each Important Book(Ex:E. Balaguruswamy:Object oriented Programming ) ,for a strength of 240 ppl,which is extremely disappointing and having had to shell out the price of a NANO(Yes,we love the NANO,that is more Value for Money,than the 1 lakh for the Hyderabad campus,we “The seniors ” paid last year :)),it was an extremely pathetic year,for book lovers specifically.


And this blog,was busy protecting,and trying to point out the positive things on campus to prospective juniors,Which were in fact extremely limited.

We tried our best not to mislead  our would be juniors into a false trap,All we at LAGH seek is  to throw light on important issues,which have been plaguing the campus of GITAM  University Hyderabad.

Right,back to the dates,June 16th,it would have been early or a little bit later probably depending upon how a few things pan out on campus,Hyderabad.

The management surely doesn’t want to show,a semi-constructed building,with sand dunes covering close to 1/3 of the ground,and construction work going on at every available space!!

You wouldn't be mistaken,if you take the campus in the current  situation to be a mass scale construction work site of the Outer Ring Road,which is just 6 km from Rudraram!


Come on,for a fees of 1.25 lakhs,We believe that it is a pretty heavy price,for the kind of infrastructure,be it the Library,Sports or Fire safety for that matter.

But,people,especially parents tend to join their kids in this institute due to the BRAND name of GITAM,Which turns out to be the USP of this campus,and the only reason the seats filled up last academic year :)

And we at the Blog hope,that the management wouldn't end up disappointing our juniors,the same way it did with us,the seats will surely fill up at least 90 % of the seats in the Hyderabad campus will fill up,but will the management fulfil at least 60% of its promises,remains to be seen…So raising a toast to this exclusive release of the probable dates of GAT 2010 Counselling,we would like to end this post with a snapshot of the GAT 2010  Rank card,Which has a huge blunder in it..:P

And filling up the 2000+ seats of GITAM  University,the management will definitely get some grist to the mill!

(1800 odd seats in GITAM University Vizag,840 in Hyderabad:each seat is 1.25 lakh,now that is quite some  cash flow :))




Note:Right click to open in new tab and Zoom in !!

Go on check  the GAT 2010 Rank card,to see it live :)


We changed the template,yet again,we moved over from our peace template,which was hosted in memory of the Mangalore Crash victims.


The new template,which has a thunder in the background,depicting  the Results of B.tech stream which struck 10 days back,the new template also brings a hidden message about the forthcoming posts from the blogs stable which will strike like thunderbolts(its just a figurative of speech,don’t take it literally!!),like extra sensitive SCOOP!! ,and a pretty confidential .pdf file,which dropped by at our inbox.(lifeatgitamhyd@gmail.com)

We are going to publish that confidential .pdf file,pretty soon!!

And once we do,the thunder template,will change again !



1 comment:

  1. i got 11,750th rank in gat 2010.can i expect a seat in IT in vizag campus in 2nd counselling



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