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Thursday, May 20, 2010


After having been put through a  troublesome GAT-2010,examination,held during the month of April,and May,the exams came to a “grand” end on the 5th of may,2010.

The ranks have been announced about a couple of weeks,ago and no one is to Happy,there has been a tremendous increase in the number of students who wrote GAT 2010,the number is touted to be 46,000 students,while we assume it to be closer to 40,000.

The campus of GITAM University Hyderabad plays hosts to the counselling session,to be commenced in a couple of weeks,for the B.tech stream,the counselling for the GITAM SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT HYDERABAD,is already under way,as this post is being written.

The campus has been decked up for the GAT 2010,counselling , the changes and pictures duly follow:

 Sick Color combos!           


As usual,with the management the dumbest and the sickest colour combos of Hyderabad are always found in the flexi stuff printed on or behalf of GITAM UNVIERSITY Hyderabad Campus.

Be it the Fresher's Party,or Kibbutz’10 or any other event,they never seem to get the colour combo’s right,its either that or they never seem to invest in proper flexi printing.

When you are running a deemed university,you ought to get some kinda of a snob value too,and you definitely won’t get it if you go in for Flexi printing in Rudraram or Patancheru for that matter.(Did someone say a Subway is coming up on campus ??)

Anyways done with debating the weird colour combinations,lets make a move into the changes,made to please the next set of idiots who will  probably walk into GITAM UNVIERSITY Hyderabad,with lots of hopes and expectations,and we of the current batch are hoping atleast a few of the new batches hopes are fulfilled..:P


In all three rooms have been “decked up!”,to be used for the counselling for the management seats.

ROOM 202:

Is being used to house the verification section of the counselling.


Room No 202 for verification1

Regular students/Current students will obviously note,with out us pointing out the changes in the following picture,But for the sake of the newbie's on campus,lets revisit and explore Room 202,the EEE Classroom.


Room No 202 for verification  

  • The Desktop
  • The Green Carpet on the dice.

So don’t expect theses to stick to this room for a long time.

But,how many ever changes the management gets into the classrooms,the EEE classroom(202),will be remember,for one thing and this is the one thing which makes it special.


During Kibbutzz’10,the EEE Classroom,played host to a virtual gaming zone,which raked in quite some profits(Compared with other stalls),and the way the EEE boys,decked the classroom was fabulous,and the eerie feeling the students experienced the moment  they entered the EEE classroom,was apparently remarkable,and gave all the adrenaline rush  you needed to get into the mode of gaming Bonanza(that was their name).


Mess after the festival! My cans!


Note:The Pepsi featured in the above pic,are unadulterated and the Blog bears witness to it,they were simple Pepsi my cans :)

(And just cause we are referring to it,it doesn't imply you need to raise your eyebrows!)

DSCF0350  DSCF0344 

The lights had to be switched on to click the pics,else it would have been a normal black pic.



A projector and a screen,the Big gaming Experience!




Back to GAT 2010,ppl..!

ROOM 203:

The Classroom of CSE is the registration desk for GAT 2010.



Room No 203 Registrations1


Room No 204 for Xerox1

No,the management hasn't invested in a new photocopying machine (just yet),it used to be one hell of a task to get photocopies,during the exam times,with only one humble machine with a humble operator,running the show and catering to the exploding need of 240 students during the exams!

The sooner the management gets another machine the better,forget the ATM’s for a while,get photocopying machines!


Room No 204 for Xerox 


And that brings an end into this exclusive sneak peak of the GAT-2010,preparations,on campus with the help of some excellent contributors,and an excellent cameraman(:P) ,we finally end this post.

Keep an eye on the Blog for the part two of prelude to the Big Trip To The Campus.



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