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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Holiday:Rugby,Rain,Fun….!! DAY:22/09/2010

Note:Videos to be updated shortly.

Yes,a holiday and a post which covers the holiday,even though GITAM University Hyderabad Campus,doesn't functioning today,( on the account of Ganesh Nimarjanam ), the hostel always does,and with the kind of weather we experienced today,it would be hard not to share it,thought words and pictures will give you a basic idea,the actual experience of being present,when the heavy rains lashed the hostel grounds,was truly breath taking,the weather was excellent,and We beat GITAM University Vishakhapatnam,must be envying us a lot,as our GITAM Lake is about 30-50 meters from the block A,while the beach in Vishakhapatnam is relatively far,and you will have to go a long way to experience it,we don’t even have humidity over here,IN Hyderabad.

Surely,we have something better than the Parent campus :P.



The day to start with was very hot,and the afternoon looked no better,with such kind of heat and no immediate grey clouds,visible we were but not prepared for a heavy rainfall,but things turned out in our favor,once the lunch was over.


At about 1:30’ odd,A grey coat covered Rudraram,and the colour of the lake turned dark blue,like it usually does at about 6:00’odd in the evening,and the dark clouds overshadowed the sunrays, then it was the turn of the Wind God to prove his worth,the wind was seriously hard,and The hostel building stood the heavy lashing of the wind(Now we can confirm that the hostel is made of good Quality material :P),and the news spread pretty quickly,that there is going to be an awesome rainfall.




The rain arrived amidst quite a lot of wind and it continued its rough play for close to 45 odd mins,before it got back to its normal pace,close to 50-60 members,were experiencing,one of the best rainfalls ever,most of us are urban guys,and have never in real-time witnessed such kind of rain with,and with a lake set as a backdrop,it made it even more better.

Some of us were pretty,apprehensive that the thin guys might fly away :P.

Loads of cameras,plenty of pictures,and videos(Which will subsequently be published on Shutterbugs too. :)).



Rugby,this sport has been catching up a lot,this semester in GITAM University Hyderabad campus,the rain filled the quadrangle ,with loads of water and the rain didn’t stop either,this started the birth of Water Rugby,and this process itself was pretty complicated.


First,it started off with Football(in the rain),and after 5-10mins it evolved into Rugby,and then the Hostel incharge stepped in and stopped the play,since he was concerned about windows breaking(this already happened loads of times),so the only other option was to deflate the football and play rugby with it .



Two teams,which were totally messed as the players kept on changing sides,and new players in the hordes kept joining,and only one senior was present,the other seniors were busy seeing that the game was played in a clean manner,but they did Joni once the rain stopped(Wonder Why,the game was so much fun when it was raining!).


And the rain rugby continued for close to a couple of hours,initially the game was pretty clean,but after the rain stopped and more players joined,the game got ugly,and pretty dirty with fouls being committed(We hardly knew the rules:fouls=> 20 people jumping onto each other),and since this time around more trouble makers joined in they were determined to get the better of others,since in Rugby hitting or pushing or being harsh on some is part of the game,and this game was a platform to express and settle some old battles.


The game went on,and at the end was stopped since the quadrangle hardly had any water.


  • Close to 10 odd pairs of slippers/flip-flops got washed away into the drain.
  • Pathetic(No offence bathroom singers),singing by plenty of students in the washrooms,but it was fun to hear :)
  • No team had equal members nor were the members constant.
  • We played with our own set of rules.
  • The game was a mixture of football(since we used a deflated football),and We had to score “Baskets”,We played the Rugby format(In short a senseless game,which was in the end extremely fun!!).
  • About 60% of the hostel,was busy watching us :)


Ever heard of chicken tikka masala ?

Well,the preparation is simple add kissan sauce to it,that is our cooks explanation of the sweet chicken curry,which had loads of sauce added in it,under the pre text that it is how the tikka masala is made.

OH Gawd..!!

Come to think of it,we pay him 15,000 a month to cook this sweet curry !!


The wardens decided to call a meeting,and the response to it was pretty low,and this wasn’t unexpected,since the response to faculty/management meetings are usually low ,while those called upon by seniors have a good response,due to obvious reasons.

The minutes of the meeting:

  • Save water,power.
  • Efforts to reduce food wastage.
  • Managements role in reducing the bill.
  • Gym after Dusheera vacation(15 lakhs already paid.)
  • Wi-Fi in a week(If only..!!)
  • And some strong words used by Partudu sir :)


The haunted stories,will finally be unveiled tomorrow,We apologize for the delay,the fact is getting active participation form the campus and hostels has become really difficult,and you must accept the hardships we are being put through.

the Problems,are a plenty in LAGH,with start right with data collection,and by the time the post is ready for publication,the news will have become stale,and the post would be worthless.

Well,only a matter of days,before constant supply continues :)


The day finally ended,and the students are ready to face another day on the campus,which is infested with kids,seriously,1000+ students in a 13.2 acre campus,is difficult,and privacy is the advantage a senior can have,we juniors have to fight for privacy .

Post details:

Contribution : LAGH correspondent(s).

Picture Courtesy : Shutterbugs,Part of Lifeatgitamhyd.

Campus :Block A,Boys Hostel, GITAM University Hyderabad Campus.



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