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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Editors Speak:Discussion Forums!


After our disastrous attempt at making an online forum and an integrated website,aloof from the LAGH blog hit plenty of road blocks and failed to reach more than 50 users,we have decided to shut down,actually de activate our full time website hosted by webs.com at www.lifeatgitamhyd.webs.com.

We saw it coming,but we weren’t fully prepared to leave the whole concept of discussion forums behind.

Where Have We been ?

This is exactly where we have been working ,not full time but yes work never the less,we have been way to busy checking out various forums and way to make the forums work better and also considered hosting our own PHP-BB on a rented server,but it would have been expensive,but in the mean time,the blog has been very low on content,since we are still not getting the required number of regular contributors,we have had some difficult times getting to publish fresh content.

But since one of our major hurdle(of many more to come!),has passed away,we can now divert our energy and resources to where it all started from,running the blog efficiently :).

And now,that there are many new entrants on the internet spectrum with respect to GITAM University Hyderabad Campus in the form of a promising blog like www.gitambuddies.blogspot.com ,than all the other previous ones which at some point or other tired to be pot-boilers,when the whole concept of community blogging was relatively new to GITAM University Hyderabad Campus,like , www.reallifeatgitam.blogspot.com ,www.it-gitamhyd.blogspot.com,and loads of others things !

But gitambuddies is no better,it converted our  Contact Us into meet us at,with no credit due to this blog,whatsoever!

But,we are not taking anything in an offensive way,but just saying a simple text like “sourced from:www.lifeatgitamhyd.com ”,would have made it so much better,since all the content posted on LAGH is entitled to be published under Creative commons 3.0,and can be used only if due credit is given to the blog :)

We aren't trying to shut you down buddies but just saying that you aren’t being totally fair,but got to admit you have a knack for networking who ever you are!

Your Facebook profile shows it :)

That apart lets get back to our main point of discussion.


So we have decided to start the required back ground work for hunting new discussion boards and forums,and after days and days of tests runs and comparing close to 40 odd forum boards(Try visiting http://www.forum-software.org/ for all the good forums present over the world!),weighting their pros and cons and also keeping an eye on various new start ups like http://www.tangler.com/ ,which are relatively new to the main stream internet scenario ,and invitation only start ups ,and loads of other we finally decided to give the tal.ki a go ahead and see if it full fills our requirement for a smart discussion forums :).

Why Not Webs .com ?

To complex and to clumsy to maintain to be frank,We don’t have the time to maintain a full fledged website,and don’t have the heart to work with webs.com which is extremely complex,but looks way to simple :)

The major reason we didn't decide to go ahead with tal.ki initially is that the forum was relatively new and sported very few features,and hence we decided to go ahead with the webs.com ,but times has changed and the webs.com looks way to crude as of now.

Webs.com had an option of a separate internal blog,We thought it might be a good idea,but it failed to pick heat ,and the Gallery section(Users contributed pictures!),is currently being taken care of by our ShutterBugs photo-blog.

With the creation of the LAGH FB ,the Events part of webs.com can be taken care of,and so does the Birthday reminder(Calendar).

So,indirectly we haven unintentionally broken up the various components of our site hosted at webs and created something probably more functional :

S.no Previously(part of webs) Now(part of the LAGH )
1 Picture gallery ShutterBugs
2 Almanac(calendar) LAGH FB account
3 Scribble(Users contributed Blog) Freedom Zone
4 Videos -N.A.-
5. Forum Forums Page
6. Assignments -N.A-

We believe to have created something more valuable soon,we will be looking at having an integrated virtual calendar(very soon!),using the same name held by it previously “almanac”(probably!),and also looking at various other options to get an online storage place like mydatanest.com currently mdn.fm ,we already had an account there,and we will be reactivating it after checking out the various options available to us,since www.mdn.fm is kinda of getting obsolete for our needs.

Any more to be added to the blog ?

We will due it all in due course of time ,For now have fun ,and we wont take longer than a week to get back to our regular(read once in two days)updates :)

So everyone rush out to the forum page,and start the discussions.




From LAGH-jr:

Fellow juniors All the best for your mids :)

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