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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Clubs on a roll..!!….DAY:05/10/2010

    After a long hiatus the concept of students clubs is back,after its brief sting last year,when various seniors took up the initiative in the better half of their Second semester,according to the previous posts of lifeatgitamhyd (Do check up our archives) ,but the plans to have the clubs fell apart,and since the start of the science club “ Anveshi ” on 28th of September(Which is rumoured to be under controversies ),being headed by Dr.Madhuri (Chemistry Dept.),the other clubs like Social welfare club,which was inaugurated on 29th of September.(We will try our best at LAGH,to keep abreast with all the works of these clubs,and a separate category to look into these  posts ),it was the time of the unnamed Quarterly magazine of GITAM University Hyderabad Campus ,And we will be at the helm of affairs to track the developments here too…


The student representatives of the social welfare clubs meet today,at about 3:30 odd to discuss the  further course of action of the Social Welfare club,which is aimed at giving back a lot to the society,the fact that a couple of students tried to dominate the meet was evident ,and they will be held responsible for their actions,and we project that better days lie ahead for the social welfare club,even thought the club may undergo some initial turmoil,due to the attitude of some of the juniors,who are taking the club for granted ,it won’t be long before these students get kicked out,and the Club is back on track.

Some of the objectives of the Social Welfare Club are listed below:

  • Tree Plantation
  • Blood Donation
  • Books donation

We wish the club to perform well,and the “hyper-active” members,please do note that it has just been about a week since the club started,and you should,but not expect to perform miracles in such a short span of time.

That summarises the issues with respect to the social welfare club.


The Vizag campus of GITAM University launched a magazine called In focus which lasted only one issues,even thought we don’t know what caused it to close down,from an observers point of view,we can simply call it a failure,And it was more like a promotional stunt,and failed to carry forward the momentum (Hold on,did anyone know that a magazine called Infocus existed ?).

Now,GITAM University Hyderabad campus,aims to create a Newsletter/Magazine ,and it is being headed by Mr.Chandrasekhar (English Dept.),the magazine is still in a premature stage,and it will not be wise to comment on it,since the first meeting was held today.


The Editorial team,comprises of close to 15 students and about 10 Faculty members,and the selection of the students advisors was more or less unbiased,and since the whole team is not rigid,that is subject to change for the next quarter based on their performance ,the current students will have an option either to perform or to move out from the team,this system will create a competitive environment,which will work in the further development of the  Magazine.


Sources quote that the magazine will comprise of 65-70 % for students contributions,and the rest will be for the Faculty members,this seems to be a good equation on the paper,but How far will the targets be achieved still remains to be seen.

With the launch date set to  the 5th of November,the team will surely have a hard time to stick to the deadline,since the first draft will have to completed at least a week before the official launch of the magazine.

Here follows a tentative list of all the segments of the magazine :

  • Achievements of the students/Faculty.
  • Activities of various Clubs(If any).
  • Campus News.
  • Technical write ups
  • Students corner:Short stories,etc.

This is done for now,since the next meeting will see some substantial progress being made.

And our take on it ?

It is still premature to comment on the developments.

Note:The Students who are interested in  contributing articles/write-ups are requested to send them to either their class representatives or the senior members of   the team.


Sources indicate(this may be a rumour ),the Mechanical students are all set,to roll out their very own club(the logo and the name will be short listed very soon),which is being headed by Maruthi Prasad sir,and this Club will surely be a success.

The inauguration of the Mechanical Club,will be taking place after the Dusherra Vacation.


The ECE Departmental Student association,which was reckoned to be a Association/Club to watch out for,is starving for attention,and activity.

The major advantage they had over the rest of the Clubs/Associations is that they had a head start,but due to their slumber period,the others Clubs will have an equal playing field after the Dusherra vacation,and the action will start,When Each Club will try to out perform the other :P.


The dreaded lab internals,are back and the hardships of the seniors continue,Yesterday was the turn of the EEE seniors,and today the CSE folks had to face the heat,and None of the seniors seemed to be in a good mood,And we preferred staying away from them.

Post details:

Contribution       : LAGH correspondent(s).

Branch             : EEE,ECE.

Editing  By        : lifeatgitamhyd Team.

Campus             : GITAM University Hyderabad Campus.



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