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We are also bees in The Hive:
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Friday, April 22, 2011

All the best!

Hey there everyone !

Greetings from Lifeatgitamhyd,We,The LAGH team are publishing a post after a very long hiatus,and hopefully this will  not be the end of everything ,we have worked so hard on.


The LAGH team met one final time,this Monday,for probably the last time this semester(or is it for eternity ?),and it was for a very strong reasons,Next week our exams will be over,and the gates of GITAM University will be closed for the next 45 days be it for us or the seniors.

That doesn't bother us much but there is something else which bothers us,lifeatgitamhyd has invariably become an integral part of our life,and we can’t  but help thinking about it,and come this May 9th.

The domain name,www.lifeatgitamhyd.com will be expiring,and  we had to take a call.

For the first time in over 1 yr of our association with lifeatgitamhyd,We never had to take many decisions,be it in good times or bad times,especially during the turmoil times  which were created by some controversy or the other,and this time we felt orphaned,our head mentor left us,and has started exploring various online projects and seeking out opportunities,And we are still stuck onto lifeatgitamhyd.

Last month when The Hive was launched,Many of the authors moved over to it,and hence we decided to close LAGH,but Somehow some of us,still feel,that LAGH is supposed to live,and do the work it initially.

But we had other things to do.

First when we met this Monday,we knew we had to decided on two things:

  • The expiration of the domain.
  • The future of LAGH

We are still confused over what we are supposed to do with the domain,and we have decided to postpone the matter till the evening of 30th April,and wait for some divine intervention,and hopefully We will get the required funds to run LAGH for another year,the month is coming to an end,the year as well,and our pockets ?

They are as empty as never before,and We are still scouting for our secret “investors” ,and we have also sent out a mail to Prajeeth(the person who initially funded the LAGH project ),to check if he is willing to support us for one more year,We are hoping for the best.

if things work out fine,and Prajeeth or anyone else is ready to fund us,We will be able to keep the domain with us for another year,we will have all the time in the world to decided onto the future then.

GAT 2011:

The GAT 2010 admission guidelines provided by LAGH was a huge success(Reason,why we are part of GITAM and LAGH eventually :P),and with the current GAT 2011 session going on,we are still unable to take a call on the roadmap for GAT 2011.

The road ahead looks messy,and the view forward is all but blurred.

We at the LAGH are determined to keep things going,we will keep meeting on campus GITAM University,We will keep LAGH alive,and we have but taken a step back,But haven't yet accepted defeat,Someday,it will be the rise of the new dawn.

Looking forward to keep LAGH alive,not necessarily with the campus news,but with such updates :)


The LAGH Team.

p.s.We got a request from the admin of www.pakalast.in , for a copy of the previous content of Lifeatgitamhyd, the LAGH team has unanimously decided to donate all the posts and comments of LAGH to Pakalast! ,with the view that if for some reasons,We are unable to keep LAGH alive after May 9th,at least the content will be immortal and safe in the vault provided by Pakalast.

This open confirmation of the aforementioned request ,stands to show that we openly accept the donation of our posts to Pakalast! and that we are the actually writers/authors/owners of the posts ,and Pakalast! is our safety vault,and obviously our insurance as well,If we are ever subject to a hack :P,which will require some really good brains to actually do it :P

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