A calm and cool Thursday morning turned chaotic when hostellers realized that there was an acute shortage of water in the bathrooms and toilets... Soon the news spread like wild fire and the residents could be seen running helter skelter in search of any trace of water...
The right wing of the boy's hostel already had a shortage of water since the past few days... Water used to finish at about 7.30 in the morning... (that is the time when most of the sleepy heads wake up mind u..! :P) The situation got worse when even the left wing ran out of water...
People had to resort to stealing water from other rooms and even using the drinking water for brushing and well, other purposes..! Residents even had the idea of going for a dip into the lake... but the smell from the septic tank proved to be a deterrent... (:P) Rumours of the second block having water came and then the residents started moving there only to find the toilets devoid of lavatories..!! The water here too ran out very soon... It was 8.00 AM by this time, so many hostellers decided to leave for the college without having a bath... And then there was a shortage of deodorants mind u.. (:P)...
Then came the saviour Mr. Varma(Resident Director of GITAM University ,Hyderabad) in his car... He ordered the bore well near the gate and opposite to the mess to be opened and voila...!! Water, water everywhere.. !
Varmaji informed the college and called for the first hour to be cancelled for the 1st years... The poor seniors had exams today so hard luck for them.. (:D)... Not that this move helped the attendance in any way... Hostel residents didn't turn up in many classes even till lunch time.. This may be their idea of a strike... ??!!??
All in all an experience which taught people the value of one bottle of water...! (:D)
Post details:
Contribution by: LAGH Correspondent
Branch : Civil A(2010)
Campus GITAM university Hyderabad.
Note:This post is written by a student(s) of GITAM University (Hyderabad campus),and being published by lifeatgitamhydon thier behalf,lifeatgitamhyd nor any of its admins take any morale responsibility over the validity/of the above articles,articles which might contradict the above may also be published on the blog,articles which carry a lifeatgitamhyd tag are the official stand of lifeatgitamhyd ,this disclaimer is issued in accordance with the previous global disclaimer of the blog.
A standby arrangement will save the day and such incidents will not recur in future.
ReplyDeleteOne handbore can also be installed and kept, so that during electricity failure / motor failure, people can use the hand pump and retrive water and use it for their needs.
Entire sordid tale has been narrated in a telling manner.
Let us hope such incidents will not recur in future, as was rightly said, " value of water has to be understood by each and every one".
Transport issue as rightly said is due to trafic jams / heavy rains, etc
Hat's off to the elaborate details, keep it up. Good work done.