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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Problems tangle GITAM University!!….:DAY:26/08/2010

No technical or man made problem can be solved in a jiffy and the same holds true for GITAM university,today will be remembered as a red lettered day in the history of GITAM  University Hyderabad (wait,Does it have any ?it is but only,an yr old!!).


The variety of problems encountered today,are as diverse as all the problems experiences in the First year of operation(2009-2010),GITAM buses coming late or getting caught up in heavy traffic else a COP stopping the bus and not allowing it to go free,till the management steps in and deals with him,or a part of the road being washed away en route the campus,or having an extra long sports session and finding that there is an acute shortage of drinking water and water in the washrooms too..

We have seen all these problems spread across a varied time frame,but today was different from the previous year in only one major way(and a zillion minute ones :D),the above mentioned problems were previously spread over various days,but today they all occurred simultaneously right from a water problem(no there was no shortage of water in the boys hostel,the water pump(motor) got its ass burned!!!

And with the  over head water tanks(oh yeah branded water tanks:Sintex!),running out of water pretty soon,the whole boys hostel was on a hunting mission for water and obviously the wardens(who were earlier oblivious of the water crisis,since they occupy a room in the B-Block:Can’t blame them!),till they reached the campus.

Now,lets cut short the introduction since I have a pretty eerie feeling that this post,by no means will be short,since today has been really troublesome,not just for the students but for the management alike,but the people who suffered most due to today's problems,are all those young boys in the boys hostel(seniors and juniors alike),who had to battle  with themselves and control not just their anger but various other things,trust me this is not an easy task(imagine having to answer an emergency nature call,and having to hold back for over 2-3 hrs!!),and the way the day ended,it was even more pathetic,but later at night read(10:30 odd),the things slowly started getting better(from terribly worst to better is but a  commendable transformation-remember hostellers,it could have been even worst!).


Coming back to the buses issue,this is very simple,a couple of kilometres  prior to the Patancheru toll gate,there is place called RCpuram,and a lake broke free here,a week or so ago,due to the heavy rains(Yes!these were the same wave of rainfalls which transformed the normal GITAM hostels into lake view hostels ),and this trouble was on for some quite some time(a week or so).


This situation obviously got out of hand today,even thought the seniors buses have been coming into the campus a little late than usual,today other problems added fuel to the fire.

The narayanguda bus,was stuck up in a traffic jam,as the route it normally takes via the lingampally  main road(down the railway bridge),was totally packed up with water and hence it had to take by-pass road,which as the name suggest is supposed to by pass the lingampally area,but it compounded the problem as the railways gates were down,when the bus arrived at the gates.

After waiting for close to 6(??) trains to cross,the bus was finally able to pull it self back on track,but just as it happens in our typical Bollywood movies,the bus had another mission to accomplish.


The JNTU(citation needed:was it JNTU??) bus(a private bus:hired for a couple of weeks),was stopped by cops or some inspector at the toll gate of Patancheru,and then the students of this particular bus were forced to squeeze(I aren’t using a superlative word,it was literally equivalent to squeezing oneself!)into the narayanguda bus,while on the other hand a bus which made it onto the campus left from Rudraram to the Toll gate in order to pick up the rest of the stranded students.

It was a total fiasco!(reminiscent of the First semester incidents for the seniors!)


The quizzes which were supposed to be held during the first period of the day,had to be postponed to a different date(probably tomorrow),as the last set of students walked in at about 10:00 odd,leaving only 10 mins for the first period(senior timings).

These were the various bus issues,which probably ended up giving the seniors a reminder of their hardships in the previous year.(A point to be noted that,this particular issue concerning the delay on buses used to be extremely frequent in the first semester,thought it has fallen down drastically this time except for the (senior) LB nagar bus which stands out for various reasons,not necessarily publishable online even for an outspoken blog like LAGH :P,still arrives late on the campus :)).

That apart not many,issues concerning the buses have been popping up,after making due allowances for traffic jams(For which you cant hold the management of GITAM University responsible :P),and obviously roads getting washed away(in the above pic) must be made,so surely there has been progress in the way the transport department has been functioning,but the problem gets interesting as we go further, and start looking at the other side of the coin ,i.e,the the better half of GITAM University Hyderabad the Hostels :P(Okay ,extremely Lame,get over it!)the day the buses decided to take a hit due to various reasons and mostly out of the hands of the management of GITAM University,Hyderabad coincided with the day the motor(or water pump),decided to boycott its functions!


When,we say hostel and problems,there is only one hostel we mean,and it is the boys hostel :)

There has been quite some problem with the water facility in the right wing(the corridor which hosts the room numbers:2-13) washrooms for the past couple of days,thought it didn't complicate matters as the management was working on getting things back to normal in the right wing washrooms.

But,last night things kind of went out of control and the water stopped flowing at about 11:00 p.m,in both the wings(the left wing ran out of water as soon as the right wing did),the incharges assured that things will get back to normal in a couple of hrs,but we secretly knew it would take them all night to work it out.

The department which takes care of the hostel plumbing,electrical works,were up till about 1:00 last night working to get the motor(water pump) started,but it went in vain,as the circuits kept tripping,and the attempt to pump water up the tanks in block A of the boys hostel was futile.


Early in the morning(about 7:00),the news broke out that the water in the left wing was exhausted,and the motor was burnt down,implies even thought the borwell had enough water to support an herd of elephants it was of no immediate use as the motor plays a pivotal role in pumping up the water into the over head tanks on block A.

Slowly,those guys stuck inside the loos started to feel the pinch and the other stinky(and sleepy) heads,went on a rampage using up all the drinking water in the boys hostel for various non-productive activities(bathing!),inspite of various seniors(rather couple of them) warning them of the consequences of bathing with Drinking water and also making it crystal clear that,if the drinking waters runs out it would make the matters in the hostel even more worst(and,yes the juniors didn’t pay heed to the seniors,and they were the ones who suffered as there was no drinking water,except for the fact that a senior preserved a couple of water cans,which came in pretty handy!).

At about,7:45 odd,there was an announcement made that the block B had water in its over head tanks,and could be used to satisfisy the needs of some if not all the students,but then the mad rush for water started,and even before the announcement reached the second floor of the hostel,the water in the B block ran out of water!(that was in 15 mins FLAT!!)

Bore Well:

Then,the incharges decided to open up the the borewell pipe in order to supply water.


The basic activity of brushing,started right there and slowly people started to make a beeline to carry buckets of water to the b block and have there bath and finish other activities there.


The seniors,decided to brush in the campus,and some took the bold step of having their bath on campus in order to make a mark,and highlight the problem :P(Did it work ? I don’t think so!!)

And the best worst part is that they had their quizzes going on!!

Verma sir arrives:

As things were settling down,Verma sir(Resident Director of GITAM University Hyderabad) came onto the scene and the students pounded onto him with loads of queries and making all kind of remarks on the way things were being handled.

But the fact is that,he can’t do a thing,if the motor was burnt then no one can be held responsible for it except the Electricity dept. :P

Then came the best part,Verma sir decided to compensate the hostellers(juniors to be specific),by cancelling the first class and in the meantime.(Close to 90% of the sections didn’t function in the first period,but a couple of them which had labs did.)


Even thought the hostellers got a grace period of an hr,most of then were reluctant to turn up for the classes in the morning session,and it was only later in the afternoon that the hostellers turned up for the classes.


And yes,there were these dumb set of day-scholars(set of day-scholars)who kept on asking various guys if they were hostellers and giving a weird look,this line is specially for you(those who looked down on the hostellers for not having their bath:I tell you most of them did ):

“You suck big time!!We use deos if we don't bath,and get yourself a life!!!”

Can people fall any more low ?

I bet not!

Okay,done with the out burst lets get back to the story.


No,water this time around either,and things were looking worst than it was in the morning,a the Block-B doesn't have any lighting in the washrooms.

As the night fell over the Boys hostel of GITAM University Hyderabad,things were looking a lots better.

Rs.(We are still working on getting the new Rs symbol for the blog:it is pretty tricky actually :)) 30,000 across the table investment later,and loads of man hours spent on getting the new motor ready for operation.

The hostels were ready to use the water facility.


At about 7:30 odd the mess saw the first drop of water,and the water was simultaneously being pumped into the over head tanks to both block A and Block B.

After,having a good dinner,when the students went back to the hostel,they got another shock,even thought they were assured of water supply,since the motor was doing a tidy job.

The dinner was apparently splendid after a tough day,but the disaster was waiting to happen.


Once,the dinner was done,and the students were heading back to the hostel,the news broke out that there was no water(again!!),neither in the left wing nor the right wing.

All it took to wake up the management(incharges) again,was a knock on the head by a senior,and 15 mins later the water finally started flowing in the left wing,but here came the real trouble.


I have a very disgusting feeling about writing the following lines,but the truth be told,sensitive readers don’t continue reading.

Since earlier in the day there was no water,most of the loos were left semi-used(I can’t use any more words here ,plz!),and after close to 5-6 hrs of not  being flushed,you can obviously imagine the stink from the washrooms,so,it was pointless even if the water was flowing,since the pots in the washrooms were totally useless,and were stinking like HELL!!


After, about 20-30 mins,the cleaning activity commenced,and some of the pots were usable,and the cleaning process was still going on.

By,tomorrow morning,things will be looking brighter and lots better,what with the cleaning of all the bathrooms in both the wings coming to an end.

hoping for the best tomorrow,and heaving a sigh of relief since,the troublesome day has come to an end :)

Ganesh Chaturthi:

The preparations for the Ganesh Chaturthi were kicked started today,but We were really disappointed,since the situation in the hostel with respect to the water was really bad,and a meeting to talk about the Ganesh Chaturthi,could have been put on hold for at least a day or two.

This,attitude will definitely not boil down well with most of the juniors,but then lets keep this aside and hit the beds now!



p.s.Pictures will shortly follow,We are still finding a way out with publishing the pictures via the mobile internet :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

WATER WARS....!!DAY:26/08/2010


A calm and cool Thursday morning turned chaotic when hostellers realized that there was an acute shortage of water in the bathrooms and toilets... Soon the news spread like wild fire and the residents could be seen running helter skelter in search of any trace of water...

The right wing of the boy's hostel already had a shortage of water since the past few days... Water used to finish at about 7.30 in the morning... (that is the time when most of the sleepy heads wake up mind u..! :P) The situation got worse when even the left wing ran out of water...

Water near the bore well

People had to resort to stealing water from other rooms and even using the drinking water for brushing and well, other purposes..! Residents even had the idea of going for a dip into the lake... but the smell from the septic tank proved to be a deterrent... (:P) Rumours of the second block having water came and then the residents started moving there only to find the toilets devoid of lavatories..!! The water here too ran out very soon... It was 8.00 AM by this time, so many hostellers decided to leave for the college without having a bath... And then there was a shortage of deodorants mind u.. (:P)...

Then came the saviour Mr. Varma(Resident Director of GITAM University ,Hyderabad) in his  car... He ordered the bore well near the gate and opposite to the mess to be opened and voila...!! Water, water everywhere.. !


Varmaji informed the college and called for the first hour to be cancelled for the 1st years... The poor seniors had exams today so hard luck for them.. (:D)... Not that this move helped the attendance in any way... Hostel residents didn't turn up in many classes even till lunch time.. This may be their idea of a strike... ??!!??

All in all an experience which taught people the value of one bottle of water...! (:D)


Post details:

Contribution by: LAGH Correspondent

Branch            : Civil A(2010)

Campus       GITAM university Hyderabad.

Note:This post is written by a student(s) of GITAM University (Hyderabad campus),and being published by lifeatgitamhydon thier behalf,lifeatgitamhyd nor any of its admins take any morale responsibility over the validity/of the above articles,articles which might contradict the above  may also be published on the blog,articles which carry a lifeatgitamhyd tag are the official stand of lifeatgitamhyd ,this disclaimer is issued in accordance with the previous global disclaimer of the blog.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Mass bunks are back: DAY:24/08/2010.

The Day:
Most of the students(boys to be more specific),walked into the campus apprehensive,and certain of the fact that the girls(who are a bit lets see,weird enough to ties rakhis :P) will have their way.
The only,thing which was on most of the juniors mind was,what happened to all the seniors ?
there were only about a handful of seniors present on campus today.
Slowly,as things started falling into place,we understood that the seniors decided to take a break,aka,a mass bunk.
Mass Bunk:
Maybe this is the first mass bunk,being witnessed by the juniors of GITAM University Hyderabad,and we are pretty sure we can learn a thing or two from them(the seniors),about bunking.
The fact that the bunks of,CSE and EEE (seniors)were well executed,was pretty evident from the strength of the classes.
EEE had about 20-30 members in the morning,and in the afternoon session it fell down to 25 ,while the CSE seniors(who were very vocal about their bunk),apparently had to go through plenty of confusion before the bunk was pulled up,earlier in the day when we entered the campus,a peep into their classroom reveled about 15 students,a second glance in the afternoon,and the class was plain empty.
ECE seniors,were fairing worst in their show of strength,with about 30 ppl,during the full day.
The strange part is that,this particular(as some seniors put it unplanned mass bunk),shows the cracks in the seniors very prominently,while all the other sections went ahead with the bunk, thought we would reserve our comments on this particular observation,we will leave the stats of the day:
ECE : 25-30(Full day)
EEE :30(morning),15(afternoon).
IT :35+(full strength:47)
CSE :15(2 periods),nil(afternoon).
And,now we wait to see,if any of the junior sections,are tactful enough to replicate this not so stunning mass bunk.

School life was different with girls running after the guys to tie rakhis and the guys having to give up,at the end as the girls usually had the last say.
Engg life is no better,girls(some!),still run after the guys tieing rakhis,and this time around too they win straight out!


Another new date popped up,with respect to the commencement of Wi-Fi,this time the date is even more specific,3rd September,is earmarked to be the D-Day when,GITAM University Hyderabad campus will transform into a "Wi-Fi"(with a pinch of sarcasm) campus,whether this date will hold,any water can only be verified,on the 3rd of September :)

The boys hostel food seems to be improving by the day,an excellent muttor panner curry,along with biryani,concluded this fun filled day :)


Sports,the only thing which can unite boys world over,be it Football or Cricket the hostel boys of GITAM university Hyderabad have their way.
Today,the Indian cricket team literally thrashed the New Zealand cricket team.
Quite a lot of people were flooding the tv rooms,(both the ground and second floor),and during the last over of the game(the battle was already over ),the rooms were extremely crowded,and noise pollution(Victory cries :P) were too loud to be true.



Post details:

Contribution by: LAGH Correspondent(s)
Branch(es) : EEE-A(2010),Mech-A(2010),Seniors(2009)
Campus : GITAM university Hyderabad.

Note:This post is written by a student(s) of GITAM University (Hyderabad campus),and being published by lifeatgitamhyd,Please read the disclaimer of the blog.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Today was totally blank, many students were absent as planned earlier :-p . And the rest spent their day at the canteen and today being a Monday, half the college was having a day off.


As it was a day off for some gitamites :-D, every one were asleep till 11 a.m while others got ready and set out to take a look at our lake(this has become a habit and a cool hangout place). Later, everyone stepped out to start their day.


Hmmm….. all those who didn’t make it on Friday, made perfect plans to bunk tomorrow’s classes(you know why :-p). And the girls were a bit difficult to understand…i was unable to make out whether they were sad or happy :-( . So tomorrow will turn out to be big…a perfect mixture of emotions will follow..hope the hostel girls wont make a contract with the day-scholars to get them some rakhis. And if you find any shop’s selling any of these, trash them.

WI-FI   ( :-( :-( :-( argh ):

Don’t know what our dear director’s are doing (hope they read this), College Wi-Fi will be starting in a few days but what about the hostel. We are totally disconnected from the outside world, and if you watch news in the T.V room, everyone starts looking at you as if you are a some-what down to earth creature. Day by day, its getting worse and we started feeling sick of this shit. Some people say that we’ll be getting it in 10 days and some say it may take 2 months, we’ll feel better if the former one is correct. But seeing our college(to be specific GITAM University Hyderabad management’s ) track records :-p , i don’t feel this will be completed within 10 or 15 days. And even if they provide us, the blocks are a big hell to tackle with(proxies are so slow ). Talks are going on with the directors regarding the unblocking of social networking sites for some hours everyday, hope it bears good results.

A walk to remember:

Everyday we love to walk back to our hostel in the evening time. The fields add more beauty to our pics (this pic was taken in front of the girls hostel, hope they don’t think that i was taking their hostel pics :-D).


Later, after passing the girls hostel, we came across a herd of sheeps which made combo’s on the road  roflmao :-p.


Girls Hostel 




Pictures/write-up Contributed by :

LAGH correspondent


GITAM University,Hyderabad.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

SCOOP!!:Extension of Library & Digital Library timing(s).

Note:For all those new readers(i.e,Freshmen of GITAM University Hyderabad Campus),the SCOOP!! section of lifeatgitamhyd ,is the category of posts,where we compile articles based on some confidential about future improvements/developments with respect to the Hyderabad campus.

More often than not,all of our SCOOP!! articles have been realised(i.e,a reality),But some like the Wi-Fi,and Subway and the A/C canteen SCOOP!!’s are taking more than the time the management anticipated,But we know for sure that they are coming.

That shortly sums up the introduction to the SCOOP!! section ,happy reading :)


For all those who who though that ,a library never existed in GITAM University Hyderabad ,lets get some facts straight the library is nicely tucked away in the cellar of the main building(lol,there is only one building!!),and not many know that it exists :P,but now that you know that it does exist,lets move into the SCOOP!!!

Accepted,the current library in the Hyderabad campus of GITAM University,is not modernized,and still follows the manual(rather crude process),the inefficient manual issuing/renewal of books,compared to the modern(automated process ),followed in the Vizag campus.

We will deal with all the library related issues shortly,but first lets get back to the SCOOP!!.


Implementation     : (Max) One Week

Timing(proposed) : Digital Library 6:00 pm.

                      Library            8:00 pm



The library(at the time of publishing this article),has only four racks to store books,but the official count of books(which is pretty accurate,btw),is at about 13,000 books.

this implies,that there is an acute shortage of books racks to store the books,the current state of the library doesn’t inspire you to read,it actually deters you from entering the library which is the last thing any one would want a library to do.But if the things go as planed by the management (which rarely do in GITAM University Hyderabad :p) it shouldn't be for long till the new racks arrive,since it been over 2 months since they have been singing the same song.


The current timing of the library extend from 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.,the GITAM University library on the other hand works from 8:00  a.m to 11:00 p.m.

And the process to extend the timing of the Hyderabad (campus) library,to 8:00 p.m. is close to completion,expect it to be implemented in less than a week.

Current timing      : 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.

New    timing       :   8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m


The currently occupancy of the library after 5:00 is (apparently)very low,compared to the number of students who reside in the hostels(about 400 in both the boys and girls hostels now christened : GITAM lake view hostels :P,okay a PJ!),is about 10-15 members,which is heavily dominated by ECE (jrs),and EIE,the other branches form a minuscule part of this group.

The occupancy,we predict will more or less be the same,but nevertheless this extension of Library time,comes as a boon to those who would like to use the library for various purposes,like completing records works( some of us,juniors write senior records,as part of the “interaction” sessions :p).


As of now,the digital library which has close to 75 odd computers,is currently operated only till 5:00 which,leaves about 30 odd mins(Seniors have classes till 4:15 odd,and juniors till about the same time),which after paying a visit to the canteen leaves only about 30 browsing mins.

So the management has decided to extend the library timings till about 6:00 p.m.

This will surely be appreciated by the hostellers :)


Two more feathers in the cap,if the management does actually implement these  decisions :)



Friday, August 20, 2010


Here we are back in action as promised earlier, to provide you day to day info on our campus (and obviously  gossips. )

Last night’s rain re-filled our hostel lake almost up to the brink and early morning everyone was surprised to watch the rocks submerged under the water. All the boys were a bit sad to watch their daily resting place submerged. Later, every one started their daily routine again and geared up for their daily battle at our head-quarters :-p . But many students were frustrated to watch the college bus go past them on our Gitam highway(hostel road :-p) at 9:05  while they were hurrying to our college.






College news: Everyone’s dream of watching the delayed cricket match was trashed after looking at our ugly ground. Donno what the management was doing during our vacations, they could have prepared it during the sunny days and now even though if it rained, the condition would have not been so dirty :-( .

Today being Friday, many hosteller’s packed up for a 4 day leave and deposited all their belonging’s at our security counter. I admit that you people are thinking how come it’s a 4 day leave!!!  girls are the cause :-p , ya , rakshabandhan coming up this Tuesday and a strong opinion that our dear director wont spare us, every one decided to escape the tragic scenes :-p . So  girls, better luck next time :-D.

In the afternoon, many classes noticed a drastic change in the attendance. Some students stayed back at the hostel and some set out to watch “Lafangey parindey” :-p (deepika :-D). 

Totally today was kewl and I don't remember going to a single class except for the lab :-p.

So, lets conclude here.


LAGH correspondent

published by,

Post details:

Contribution by: LAGH Correspondent
Branch : Mech A(2010)
Campus : GITAM university Hyderabad.

Note:This post is written by a student(s) of GITAM University (Hyderabad campus),and being published by lifeatgitamhyd,Please read the disclaimer of the blog.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010



Oh,well we are late but with the new changes,coming in this won't be an habit,for some time the updates will be delayed,but not substantially.the de facto Blog of GITAM University Hyderabad campus,has arrived,we will continue to give our best,to give you the latest campus updates (and gossips,if you contribute them to us!)


Last Friday(13/08/2010),the heavy downpour created an havoc on the ground of GITAM University Hyderabad,but behind the campus,the hostel experienced the creation of the much talked of perennial(is it ?) lake.bless the rain,the lake is now at a very good capacity,comfortably placed wide across the space separating the boys and girls hostel of GITAM University Hyderabad(The Vizag campus on the other hand gets a beach no doubt,but a beach which is relativity far compared to the Hyderabad campus lake :P,doesn't give the same kind of atmosphere ).And ,We now officially introduce our new set of "groomed" juniors,who are ready to carry forward the mantle of lifeatgitamhyd,and this post will be the first few which will either be(surely !),remembered to have ushered in change,with respect to the new born or to stick to the Internet lingo,LAGH 2.0.Wishing the juniors all the best,and here-forth we introduce this new promising set(f**k,this is getting repetitive!!),I will leave you all to these set of excellent pictures.


As you all know, our hostels lacked the beauty and serenity until the mighty rains showered upon us and re-created the lake, and thus transforming ''block-A'' into a ''lake view hostel'' ;-p . Now, every evening our hostelers are having a ''baby's day out'' on the rocks at the shore and enjoying a lot. All you can hear is just the camera clicks and the words ''3,2,1'' and the village backdrop adds more beauty to our pics. The cool and peaceful atmosphere over here gives a lotta rest to our strained minds(which are influenced by our so called ''bearish'' ppl).Here, we present to you a few pics of the lake and the bunny's out there contributed by a Mech-a student (junior of course ;-p).

(More pictures to follow)


Post details:

Contribution by: LAGH Correspondent
Branch : Mech A(2010)
Campus : GITAM university Hyderabad.

Note:This post is written by a student(s) of GITAM University (Hyderabad campus),and being published by lifeatgitamhyd,Please read the disclaimer of the blog.



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